Doom: Sixth Mass Extinction Of Earth Is In Progress

These days, it doesn’t seem like we can get away from any sort of doom scenario. It’s always something or someone who is out to get you.

If you listen to the herd, they basically tell you we are all dooooomed.

Back in the 1970s, they told us we were going to have another ice age. Then, Al Gore told us from his 10,000 square foot mansion, we were killing polar bears and causing global warming. Never mind the fact, all of the climate numbers have been manipulated.

But, it’s always something or someone that’s gonna getcha.


  • The terrorists are going to kill you.
  • The COVID is going to kill you.
  • The vaccine is going to kill you.
  • Man-made climate change is going to kill you.

That last one keeps getting ratcheted up these days and it will continue. Nothing consolidates power and wealth like keeping the populace in a constant state of fear.

Now, it’s even worse…

Earth is undergoing, its sixth mass extinction event.

*dun dun dunnnnn*

I think I just had a shiver go down my spine.

Now according to a new study,

The current extinction event is not even a new phenomenon, but has been going on since at least the 16th century.


Ahh, that’s right!

The current extinction event has been raging for over 500 years.

You can thank your distant ancestors for this fine mess they created for the rest of us.

Now here was my favorite part from the studies author, Robert Cowie.

Denying the crisis, accepting it without reacting, or even encouraging it constitutes an abrogation of humanity’s common responsibility and paves the way for Earth to continue on its sad trajectory towards the Sixth Mass Extinction.”

SciTech Daily

That’s it, there it is!

Let me translate it for you…

“If you don’t believe as I do, you are dead wrong.”

I love that line!

I keep hearing it, over and over again. It’s like a broken record. It just keeps popping up.

In fact, after Mr. Elon Musk found out about the Sixth Mass Extinction event, he provided this sobering reminder…

There is a 💯 chance of all species extinction due to expansion of the sun, unless humanity makes life multiplanetary.

Elon Musk

There you have it, the sun is going to expand and kill us all.

Basically, we’re all doomed.

Want more doom?

In billions of years, the sun will die out they say.

Now, lest you begin to grow gray hair over today’s sobering news about the latest extinction-level events. I want you to have comfort knowing, there is a backup plan!

If you paid real close attention, Musk said, there is a way out…

I quote,

“Unless humanity makes life multiplanetary.”

It so just happens, Mr. Musk has launched an ambitious project to colonize planet Mars, where he will be crowned king. Of course, flat earthers continue to barrage Mr. Musk for his conspiracy theory.

Now, lest this last bit of news provides you with a glimmer of hope.

Let me dash it in pieces!

I have more dooooom for you this morning!

According to a new study from Nature,

As humankind plans extraterrestrial travel, understanding the health implications of living in space will be critical to planning safe journeys. Space anemia was previously documented and characterized by a 10–12% decrease in red blood cell (RBC) mass happening in the first 10 days in space.

So, as we prepare for earth’s sixth mass extinction that has been raging for 500 years. Our brilliant wizards came up with a plan, to escape and live on Mars. Or even live in space to spare us from this impending doom.

Yet, we are hamstrung once again, as living in space reduces our red blood cells which means, you’re gonna die anyway!

So in short, you’re damned if you do and damned if you don’t!

So why bother?

But don’t you worry your sweet little barbie doll head.

The world’s 10 richest billionaires who doubled their wealth during the pandemic will come up with something. I mean, these guys live lean, they don’t impact the environment, and their megacorps certainly don’t either.

No Sir Ree Bob!

They are trying to help you save the planet!


By producing all sorts of stuff, for you to buy, and throw away! Don’t forget, nothing spells fair and honest more than 10 men who doubled their wealth during one of the most repressive times in world history.

Now just in case, you want to do more to save the planet

Then I encourage you to go out, and get yourself some not-so-chicken nuggets from KFC. Remember, you are saving the planet one bite at a time. Not to mention, you are saving the chickens, while making the ultra-rich richer!

Now go on, get out there, and make something happen!

Earth is depending on you.

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