Some Important Observations About Current Events

A few days ago, I found an article that explained bikers and patriots were planning to show up and retake Seattle’s CHOP zone on July 4th, our day of Independence.

I was going to share that with you yesterday morning until I found out Seattle’s Mayor finally allowed law enforcement to retake the area. Order has now been restored after numerous crimes and rapes.

For weeks and weeks, Seattle’s Mayor allowed the CHOP zone to thrive, and even promoted the disastrous cause. Why suddenly send in the boys in blue to break up the “summer of love”?

Bikers For America And Freedom

Could it have been to prevent the image of bikers and other patriots standing up for freedom on Independence Day?

I envisioned the scene myself.

Thousands of bikers rumble into town with American flags and take no prisoners. The images would have made national headlines and spread through social media like wildfire.

Such images would have reinvigorated the American spirit in many of us. That would be very bad for those who continue to harm and destroy our nation. Yes, that is what is taking place right now. The planned destruction of our nation. Tearing down Christopher Columbus statues and Spanish conquers have absolutely nothing to do with racism.

It is all about destroying our nation and history, so it can be replaced with something else.

I want you to watch this video of Seattle law enforcement who begin to clean up the CHOP zone. As the officers enter the police precinct, notice what is written on the door. “End America”, you can see it at the 37-second mark. That is the goal of the riots, to end America. I have seen these things written numerous times now and look at the actions of the rioters.

California’s Partial Lockdown

Yesterday, I noticed California Governor Gavin Newsome issued new illegal lockdown orders for certain counties in California. I thought that was odd.

During the first round of the COVID-19 scare, he locked down the entire state. Now Newsome is only locking down larger metro areas it seems. If you recall from the first bout of lockdowns, rural counties in California had enough and refused to comply with the Governor. That makes bad PR for someone who wants to put the boot down with full compliance.

So this time, the Governor left out those counties as if that will somehow prevent the virus he is so concerned about. In reality, it prevents news headlines of rebellious people and communities.

It’s About Control

This all leads me to believe our elected officials are being choosy in how they implement further lockdowns. They are doing that so there is the appearance of wide acceptance of their decrees. This helps to maintain compliance, and in the eyes of the public, it shows everyone is in agreement with the direction from above.

In reality, more people are against the illegal lockdown orders than are for them.

Nearly everyone we encounter is against wearing masks. Of course, we are not in the city, but we are encountering some tourists and they are still against the idea it would seem. Those who do wear masks seem to relax that idea once they see everyone else not wearing masks.

So we have a psychological game being played out before us my friends. People do as they see others doing around them.

What Is Unfolding

In the end, this is what I see unfolding right now.

Governments, mega-corporations, and the mainstream media are the primary ones touting whatever agenda comes along. If it’s not LGBT, then it’s COVID-19 and Black Lives Matter.

These entities are pushing these agendas to condition you to the ideas they present to you. They are trying to make these ideas new truth.

Moreover, they are pushing these ideas to ensure they have a spot at the table. We know the globalists are pushing very hard for a new global order right now. Watch our video, The Great Reset, it is very important for the hour we live in.

Everyone Is A Part Of It

I have to say, even our own President is a part of this agenda. While not flat out in the open, there is no denying the fact that he led to our nation being locked down when only 50 people died.

Remember, that is when Trump declared a national emergency that sent shock waves through our nation and brought us to this moment in history.

None of these people are innocent. By going along with the narrative, they will ensure they have a spot at the table for the new order that appears to be dawning before our eyes.

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