The Spirit Of America Is Lost

When you go outside today, you will still see the American flag prominently displayed atop a flag pole. Yet, our nation and way of life are lost.

The last two years have radically changed America in profound ways. What was once unthinkable continues to occur. Historical monuments in our nation continue to be removed, perversion and sin are embraced, and our rights are removed.

Somewhere a long the road of appeasement, we handed the Devil the keys to our nation.

New York To Remove Thomas Jefferson Statue

Just days ago, New York City Council voted to remove a Thomas Jefferson statue from City Hall. The Jefferson statue has been there since 1834.

Since 1834, no one had a problem with this monument until recent times. Now the statue is deemed racist, intolerant, and *insert any other politically correct term you can think of here*.

Yet, the grand monument at Stone Mountain, Georgia is not racist, nor intolerant because someone is making a buck out of it. Further, none of us have been told it’s racist or intolerant.

This world makes me sick to the core.

We now live in a world where our history is being erased to appease a small minority of people. No matter your history, you should never forget it. It is who you are and where you came from.

Without our history, we have no future.

For the record, Thomas Jefferson was one of the signers of the Declaration of Independence. One of the founders of our nation is now considered a disgrace, and will be removed from City Hall.

Some will say, Thomas Jefferson was a racist man, or they will throw some other accusation against him.

To that I say, “He that is without sin among you, let him first cast a stone,” (John 8:7).

Transgender Health Official Becomes Four-Star Admiral

Speaking of sin, homosexuality is an abomination to God.

Yet, we have allowed homosexuality into our nation. We have allowed homosexuality into our schools, higher education systems, governments, and companies.

We have accepted the homosexual culture.

We have even promoted the homosexual culture above God.

This comes to mind after reading that United States Assistant Secretary For Health, Rachel Levine has become a four-star admiral.

The problem is,

  • Rachel is transgender.
  • Rachel is actually a guy who thinks he is a woman.
  • Rachel is incapable of passing a child through his legs.

Society is also the problem for playing into people’s sinful desires. The Washington Post refers to Rachel as “she” instead of “he”. So does Greenwich Times and probably every other rag you can find.

We removed God from our nation to appease some, and sin quickly filled His place, (Matthew 12:43-45).

Government Enables Record Illegal Immigration

When our nation is not busy taking down historical monuments or promoting homosexuals, they are letting in hordes of illegal immigrants.

We all remember the thousands of Haitians who were recently let into our nation, right?

That has not stopped, nor will it stop.

In fact, illegals are being flown around our nation under the cover of darkness.

Isn’t that always when evil works?

The government tells us, these are just children who are being placed into the care of families or agencies who are adopting them. It’s not just children. Record hordes of adult men and women are being let into our nation and they are being given benefits paid for by you.

America now has open borders, a policy that will invite hundreds of thousands more.

Record Abortions

In 2020, abortion in the state of Michigan reached a 30 year high.

This article explains, the record high is from out-of-staters who cannot have abortions in their home state. Abortion is such a problem, it was the leading cause of death globally last year.

Of course, abortion is not seen as a problem, the unborn child is the problem who is swiftly removed from the womb. It may sicken you to learn the most common reasons abortions are performed. It’s not for rape or incest either, lest the media deceive you.

No, the top three reasons are;

  • Not ready for a child
  • Can’t afford a baby
  • Done having children

Those rotten reasons account for 67% of all abortions.

How about some more facts?

  • In 2017, approximately 18% of U.S. pregnancies (excluding spontaneous miscarriages) ended in abortion.

Instead, we replace those lost lives with illegal immigrants who do not know or care about the customs of our land.

By the way, according to a 2013 United Nations’ reportonly nine countries in the world have a higher abortion rate than the United States.

In case anyone cares, God is against abortion.


America has become everything God hates.

We have talked about what happens when you turn away from God, (A Reminder From The Bible).

As a people, we have allowed the enemies of God into our camp. We allowed the enemy into our towns, companies, councils, and government.

We elected our enemies into office.

We were told,

  • It was the right thing to do.
  • It was the tolerant thing to do.
  • It was the acceptable thing to do.

We were tricked.

We gave Satan the keys to our nation, and never even realized it.

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