States Once Again Begin Illegal Lockdowns And Instate Mask Requirements

17 states have already altered their re-opening plans. California closed down bars in several counties. Now the Arizona Governor joins in and even tops California by closing bars, gyms, and movie theaters. All due to COVID-19 we are told.

Not to be left out, Oregon’s commie Governor extended her indoor mask requirement. North Carolina even joined in. Side note, this is global, Germany and nations the world over are doing the same thing right now.

Folks, this mask business is horse business.

Masks do next to nothing to protect you, unless you wear a N-95 respirator and no one can stand that all day long. Those cloth masks are a health hazard in actuality.

Before you go donning your mask because some wack job politicians created an illegal order. I want you to remember the CDC told you 1.7 million of you were supposed to be dead by now due to COVID-19.

In reality, we are not even close to that number. All their models have been dead wrong, and they are still pushing you around. When is enough, enough?

Personally, we have refused to shop at any business who requires masks. I have no problem telling them that either. I will hold out as long as I can and I think you should as well. That is your decision however.

One thing is certain though. Unless we start pushing back, we are going to be overwhelmed with a radical new era.

God’s plan?

Probably, but God never said sit there and take a beating either.

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