Sudden Increase In Hacker News, What’s The Scoop?

I cannot help but notice the escalating and continued reports of ransomeware attacks around the world.

Is it a sudden outbreak, or are we be primed for something else?

The latest news this morning features three articles:

Everyday now, we are reading more and more about cyber attacks. Now the news is changing where it directly affects you causing yourself personal concern. We have the potential for your passwords to have been stolen and now affecting meat production.

However, I would like to remind everyone that each and everyday millions of cyber attacks are unleashed on the globe. I remember this very well from my days as a Network Engineer. In fact, we used to check out some cyber attack maps like these to see how cyber space was holding up.

So I am not so quick to bite on the assumption that cyber attacks are some new escalating event. I am more inclined to believe the mainstream media is steering our direction for a desired outcome.

Whatever could that be you ask…

Back in May, we posted an article titled, “U.S. Pipeline Cyberattack Touted As Reason For Cybersecurity Governance Model.” I truly believe that is the reason. In that article, you will read quotes from the World Economic Forum who is pushing a program called “Cyber Polygon”.

The aim of this initiative seeks to create a global standard when it comes to cybersecurity. This is yet another step in the unification of the world. This time, through technology, to ensure there is one global standard. Globalization is all about standardization.

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