Supreme Court Justice Alito Warns Oppression Is Becoming The Norm

We have talked a lot over the years about Americans losing their rights. This fact has become more apparent due to the COVID-19 pandemic. Our loss of rights has become so obvious, even Supreme Court Justice Samuel Alito had to warn the nation.

Politico explains,

Supreme Court Justice Samuel Alito delivered an unusually inflammatory public speech Thursday night, starkly warning about the threats he contends religious believers face from advocates for gay and abortion rights, as well as public officials responding to the coronavirus pandemic.

Christians Are Under Pressure

Alito went so far as to say the pressure Christians are under today is reminiscent of restrictions the U.S. placed on Germany and Japan after the second world war.

“Is our country going to follow that course?” Alito asked. “For many today, religious liberty is not a cherished freedom. It’s often just an excuse for bigotry and can’t be tolerated, even when there is no evidence that anybody has been harmed. … The question we face is whether our society will be inclusive enough to tolerate people with unpopular religious beliefs.”

How that hits home today.

Just a hand full of years ago, the Supreme Court said same-sex marriage is protected by the Constitution. Since that time, we have seen Christianity decline very rapidly in our once blessed nation.

For years we were told, homosexuals only wanted to be our equal. Of course, nothing ever stood in their way. We are all people. The fact of the matter is very simple, the goal was always about destroying the Christian faith as it reminded homosexuals, God condemns their lifestyle.

When we think about homosexual marriage, it has only recently become a common thing. Marriage had always been considered between a man and a woman.

“Until very recently, that’s what the vast majority of Americans thought. Now, it’s considered bigotry,” he said.

Justice Alito

In just a few short years, what had been considered common sense for thousands of years has been wiped out. If you believe marriage is only for a man and woman, then you are considered a bigot.


Alito also tackled the topic of free speech.

Free Speech Is Becoming Second-Tier

“One of the great challenges for the Supreme Court going forward will be to protect freedom of speech. Although that freedom is falling out of favor in some circles, we need to do whatever we can to prevent it from becoming a second-tier constitutional right,” he said.

We have seen social media constantly block Christians and anyone who speaks against mainstream beliefs these days. Disagree about the mainstream issue of race, then you become “canceled”.

That is not freedom of speech.

Even President Donald Trump has been censored over and over again this year when discussing politics. Look, if the President can be censored, then what makes you think your voice will carry through the public?

“Unimaginable Restrictions On Individual Liberty”

Justice Alito even chimed in about COVID-19 and how it has affected our rights.

The pandemic has resulted in previously unimaginable restrictions on individual liberty,” Alito said. “The Covid crisis has served as a sort of constitutional stress test and in doing so it has highlighted disturbing trends that were already in evidence before the pandemic struck.”

Truer words have not be spoken.

All under the guise of “protection” and “safety”, we have allowed the government to break the law of the land and keep us in our homes and away from our church houses.

Alito continues.

“It was an affront to the Constitution and the rule of law. It is … wrong for anyone, including members of Congress, to try to influence our decisions by anything other than legal argumentation. That sort of thing has often happened in countries governed by power, not law.”

This is what we have been talking about all year long.

We have allowed our government to make excuses and reasons outside of the law to take away our rights. These have come in the form of Executive Orders and other illegal actions.

It was refreshing such words come from our Supreme Court, especially at a time like this.

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