The Church Is Lost: Catholics And Mormons Implement New COVID Policies

Just when you think things are winding down a bit, you can count on some organization or government to keep the COVID-19 propaganda in full gear!

You can thank the Catholic and Mormon Churches for this one.

Vatican City COVID Policies

On September 20th Vatican News reported,

From 1 October, entry into Vatican City State will only be permitted to persons who are in possession of a Vatican “Green Pass”, a “European Green Pass,” or a foreign Covid-19 green pass attesting to vaccination or recovery from SARS-COV-2. Entry will also be granted to those who have a negative molecular or antigenic test for the SARS-COV-2 virus.

So the Vatican City State says, no entry, unless you have a card indicating you have been vaccinated, proof of prior infection, or a negative test.

Talk about jumping through hoops!

While this only affects the Catholic capital, this move will encourage Catholic churches around the world to implement such changes. It also helps to keep the “big scare” of COVID alive.

Mormon Church COVID Policies

Then in lock step, just two days later, the Mormon Church announced,

Church leaders said in a statement that masks will be required temporarily in an effort to keep temples open. The message was the latest in a series of statements from church leaders encouraging masking and vaccination efforts against COVID-19.

So in order to go to church in a post vaccinated world, you have to put on the ol mask again.

Honestly folks, church leaders have no business getting involved in your health. They are spiritual leaders, nothing more, nothing less. They can offer advice, but “encouraging” someone to take a vaccine that can cause side effects.

That is not their place.

Think about it, if the vaccine causes one of their member’s side effects, are these church leaders going to be there for them?

I mean the church leaders encouraged them to get the vaccine.

By the way, I love the word “temporary” thrown in their statement.

Rewind the clock back to March 2020. We were told if we “temporarily” lockdown for just two weeks, we can get through this COVID thing.

Here we are 18 months later dealing with the same thing.

All in a post vaccine world.

We were all promised vaccines were the messiah, I mean remedy for COVID-19. We were promised we could go back to normal then. Boy, we are the fools for listening to these people.

18 months later and we’re still playing the mask and vaccination game.

The Church Is Lost In The World

I don’t expect much from the religious institutions of today…

However, you would expect someone within the ranks of these church organizations would step up to the plate here. There are loads of doctors who have come out against COVID-19 vaccines, and the overall dangers of the virus in general.

Are there no congregates that have talked to their church leaders?

Unfortunately, you have power and prestige at play for many of these church leaders. The upper ranks of large denominations like this have wealth and much power. Coming out against the mainstream belief about COVID-19 is not very popular.

It’s much easier to just lay back, and go along with the narrative. Then you can continue to play church, and no one is the wiser.

Then you have the churches next door.

You know, the smaller ones. There is even power to be had there. Yet, more often than not it seems these churches think everything is Bible prophecy unfolding.

I recall many churches coming out at the beginning of the pandemic saying, “COVID-19 is a plague sent from God!”

Lord in Heaven how embarrassing.

Unfortunately, multitudes of Christians bought into that line. They went with it for along time, even the churches did. Finally, some of them gave up on that thought, swept it under the rug, and moved on.

I wonder how many Christians even remember that?

They have since moved on to the next one…

The vaccine is the Mark of the Beast!

Ahh, yes.

That one too will blow over, go away, and be swept under the rug by church leadership. Yet, the stain on the Christian faith will remain, as the secular world is not so quick to forget.

Neither am I.

After all, it was just yesterday when many Christians thought the Antichrist was Gorbachev, then the Pope, then Obama, and tomorrow it will be someone else.

Is it any wonder then why the Christian faith is drying up?

I think not.

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