The Family Unit At A 35 Year Low

Today the AP explains the birth rate in the United States is at a 35 year low. Think about that, and think about what has changed in the last 35 years.

The rise of the feminist movement was less about woman’s rights and more about destroying the American family and way of life. Big words, but as we look back, we can see that is exactly what has happened.

The Family Unit

Women for generations now have been told to go to work, forget the family or better yet, work, and let daycare raise their children. I always thought, why have kids then? To each their own, but we must accept that society has conditioned us to these sort of practices.

I recall as a kid watching Leave It To Beaver, come on, you watched it too. There you had ol June (Mom) talking care of the house and the kids, while Ward (Dad) was at work bringing home the bucks.

Neither June nor Ward was more important than the other. They each played their role within the family unit. They were like spokes inside of a wheel, without one, the wheel was broken. So goes the American family. Nothing more reminded me of that today, than this normal Dad who is teaching people how to do basic tasks.

Cost Of Living

Now sure, the cost of living has gone up over time, this has led many families to have “working parents” which means less time with the kids. In the modern era, we allow screens to babysit our children as if that helps or is even appropriate.

Have we ever asked ourselves, do we really need all the extra stuff around the house? Maybe if we did not have so much stuff two parents would not need to work. Maybe if we did not live in high price and tax states, maybe Mom could stay home and be with the kids.

Satan The Family Breaker

Those decisions are up to you, I just know God never intended for the family to be so divided. As you read through the pages of the Bible, the family was clearly a unit. Together, working together, being together.

Surely you know the greatest enemy of the Christian is Satan. Do you not think he understands what makes a family thrive? The guy has been around for a very long time, he knows what it takes to make or break a family. Homosexuality is another, that breaks potential families, families that could have been. Also sex outside of marriage and so on.

Then look at the trash on television, and social media. Is it any wonder why our minds are so polluted and perverted these days? Is it any wonder why the American birth rate is at a 35 year low?

The only way we can fix these things is by taking a long hard look in the mirror.

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