The Left And Right Begin To Brawl

Months ago, we saw lefties gathering in cities tearing down statues, setting buildings and cars on fire, not to mention looting, and Lord knows what else.

This weekend, there was the “Million MAGA March” in D.C. It featured tremendous support for President Trump and honest and fair elections. In fact, the photo above is from this large conservative based gathering in D.C.

To date, I have not seen the mainstream media cover this event. I have not seen them show pictures of the crowd size. No surprise there.

It Begins

Unfortunately, it would not be all peaceful. A right wing group known as the Proud Boys showed up later that night, and of course, so did ANTIFA. This set off some violence and displayed signs of even deeper division now taking place in our nation.

That was just one of numerous videos.

There were also smaller scenes of violence, yet the visuals are much more disturbing. Here are some examples.

This lefty thinks it’s okay to blind side someone.

This lefty stole someone’s flag, then prevented them from getting it back by holding a knife. For that, she gets knocked out with a helmet.

These are sad scenes to watch.

The people are now acting as animals. They are not using their minds to make decisions, they are acting on emotion. You do not want to be around people like that.

All this year, our nation allowed violence to spread across our land. Then the mainstream media broadcast it on television 24/7 so we all got used to the idea of fighting among each other.

No unity.

No common sense.

Only chaos.

Never did we allow law enforcement to re-establish order. No, the lefties wanted chaos, and chaos we got. This has taught us when we do not agree with someone, it is okay to throw a tantrum. It is okay to destroy what is not yours and harm other people if they do not agree with you.

That brings us to this weekend…

We have now allowed ourselves to be divided over politicians. Politicians who always make big promises, but always come up short. Politicians that even egg on the violence.

The violence will not solve any problems.

All it will do is divide America more than it has been already. That division is not working to help us, it is helping to destroy what little we have left.

We have now escalated to the point where the people are turning on the people. This will not end well, if this continues, America cannot go on and that is the goal, my friends. The goal is to end this once blessed nation in order to bring about a new world order.

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