The Plan For A New World Order Is Happening Now

With each passing day, we are continually given new reasons why we should reject our nations and embrace a global order. The COVID-19 pandemic has launched this idea forward, now more than ever before, (see: The Great Reset).

The latest development revealed itself yesterday in a 43,000-word letter that was released by the Vatican. Within the letter, we find many calls for the world to embrace a new United Nations.

It is no secret, the Pope who is the leader of the world’s largest religion is on board with globalization. In fact, the U.N. Secretary-General recently called the Pope an “ally” concerning climate change, migration, and peace.

Let’s cover some of that letter.

The twenty-first century is witnessing a weakening of the power of nation states, chiefly because the economic and financial sectors, being transnational, tend to prevail over the political.

The nation states are weakening as more nations continue to give up their sovereignty in support of a unified global body.

The letter continues.

Given this situation, it is essential to devise stronger and more efficiently organized international institutions, with functionaries who are appointed fairly by agreement among national governments, and empowered to impose sanctions.

What the Pope is outlining here is exactly what is written on the Georgia Guidestones.

Let’s see what else we can glean from this letter.

When we talk about the possibility of some form of world authority regulated by law, we need not necessarily think of a personal authority. Still, such an authority ought at least to promote more effective world organizations, equipped with the power to provide for the global common good, the elimination of hunger and poverty and the sure defence of fundamental human rights.

It does not become anymore about globalization than this.

The Pope wants to dissolve the nation-states and replace them with a more just global order which has power derived from the law, in order to provide for the common good.

We should ask, regulated by what and whose law?

Of course, that is yet to be determined, and you will not have a say in the matter.

What is the common good?

These days the common good is not God’s Good, but man’s common good. That means pushing Christians down and embracing sin, even justifying it by distorting the Bible. It also means “woman’s rights” which is just a euphemism for saying abortion is okay.

Do you want to live in that world?

I don’t, but if God wants the final chapter of the Bible to unfold on my watch. Then I am more than ready.

We are going to cover one more quote from the Pope’s letter.

In this regard, I would also note the need for a reform of the United Nations Organization, and likewise of economic institutions and international finance, so that the concept of the family of nations can acquire real teeth.

The Pope is simply a religious mouthpiece for those who want to bring about a global order.

Notice what they want, a reformed United Nations. That is what we have referred to in “Daniel’s Vision: The Ram And The Goat” as the “Global Restructure” which is the fulfillment of the sixth kingdom. If you are lost, you will need to read the Bible study.

We are talking about the fulfillment of Bible prophecy and bringing about a new world order. One that we change the political and financial landscape for the entire world.

It is coming, are you ready?

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