The Taliban Takeover Of Afghanistan

Yesterday, Biden addressed the nation concerning the collapse of the Afganistan government. The failure of the Biden Administration is beyond words, in fact, it’s so bad even the left has turned on Biden.

We are going to cover all of that today, along with some added thoughts and commentary that tie into yesterday’s article, Taliban Takes Over Afghanistan Upon U.S. Withdrawl.

Afghan Army Numbered 330,000

Most of us are probably trying to grasp the situation still. After yesterday’s article, I looked up the size of the Afghan army (now former) which numbered 330,000 men.

That army had been trained for essentially 20 years by U.S. professionals. Further, those 330,000 men were armed and trained with U.S. armaments. Not only that, but our nation helped establish an Air Force for the Afghan military.

Yet, within a few days, the Taliban numbering at 75,000 herdsmen managed to take over an entire country, essentially without firing a shot. The Taliban walked right into an empty government palace. They walked right into empty police stations.

Biden’s Intelligence Failure

Look, it’s plainly obvious, the Afghan government had absolutely no will to fight. There is no way, no way what so ever that this was a secret. Our intelligence officials know just about everything that happens on the planet.

They certainly knew if the Afghan’s had the will to fight or not. You can just look a man in the eye and tell if he is down for a cause or not.

So there is no way this was a shock to the Biden Administration.

Yet on July 8th, Biden said a Taliban takeover of Afghanistan was not inevitable, and their government would not collapse.

Watch this.

Yet, the government did collapse.

You will notice, a reporter said,

Your own intelligence community said the Afghan government will likely collapse…

Biden responded saying,

That’s not true.


Look at this quote from an anonymous U.S. intelligence official.

“[U.S.] leaders were told by the military it would take no time at all for the Taliban to take everything. No one listened.”


“No one listened”.

But there is more…

A senior congressional official who asked not to be named in order to discuss sensitive briefings told ABC News that intelligence officers had warned the U.S. leaders about a swift and total victory by the fundamentalist Taliban militants who had held power in Kabul during the late 1990s up until after the Sept. 11 attacks.

The intelligence community assessment has always been accurate; they just disregarded it,” the official told ABC News, speaking about the Biden administration.

“They just disregarded it.”

So then, Biden lied to the reporter and the American people in that video clip.

I mean look with our own eyes. Afghanistan not only fell, it fell without a fight. It was not even close, there was no challenge for the Taliban, they just walked on in.

Then here we have U.S. Intelligence saying, this is not a surprise, we knew it was going to happen.

As a Democrat from California said,

“This is a crisis of untold proportions. This is an intelligence failure.”

This is yet another, Biden failure.

Now let’s think about this some more…

Billions In Military Hardware Now In Taliban Hands

The United States of America, our government for years has funded and built up this supposed army. A heavily equipped Afghan army numbering at 330,000.

Think about all of the military hardware they had in their bases.

Think about all the M-16s, rocket launchers, Humvees, helicopters, and other U.S. military assets. Those assets are now in the hands of the Taliban. Even the Associated Press acknowledges this.

In fact, the AP estimates the U.S. spent $83 billion on the Afghan military alone. All for it to be overthrown without a fight by herdsmen who themselves already had M-16s as seen from photos.

Those are American military rifles, where did they get them?

We all know the answer to that question.

From the U.S. war on terror that has spanned, well, 20 years.

In essence, our own government just boosted the Taliban significantly. Our own government just gave the Taliban a head start to institute the dreaded, Islamic terror. Had our government never intervened in Afghanistan to begin with, everyone would be better off, except for the Taliban that is.

The Taliban would have their herd sticks to war with and remnant AK-47s. Now, the Taliban is heavily equipped by our own government.

The situation is so bad…

Reporter To Pentagon: Are You Preventing Equipment From Falling Into Taliban Hands?

The General doesn’t have an answer.


Our own government knew Afghanistan was never going to make a stand against the Taliban. Our own government allowed this to happen by walking out. Since we knew the Afghan’s were going to fail, we should have taken our armaments back.

Certainly at this point.

How can they allow the Taliban to have that much gear and then still run the line, we need to defend against Islamic extremism?

All this has done is embolden Islamic radicalism around the globe.

It’s going to be the new topic, and who knows where this will lead. Another catastrophe caused by our own government who just cannot keep well enough alone.

When they are not destroying other nations and lifting up our enemies. They are destroying our way of life at home through inflation, health mandates, and so on.


I want you to see how upset everyone is, listen to the left version of the mainstream media. This would be the folks who always side with Biden.

CNN: Biden’s Speech Was Full Of Finger Pointing And Blame

Rightfully calling it and summarizing Biden’s speech yesterday.

NBC: International Jihadi Movement Is Now Seeing Itself Reinvigorated

This gave radical Islamists across the world a massive confidence boost, and armament boost.

ABC: Biden Didn’t In Any Way Accept Responsibility For The Catastrophe That’s Unfolding


No one is happy with the way Biden has handled this.

Yet, we are supposed to trust this same government with our health care decisions? We are supposed to listen to this government tell us who the terrorists are, including “Domestic Terrorists”?

This government does not represent the people. This government does not have our best interests at heart. They are funding our enemies while destroying our country.

“We have a crisis of confidence” in our government.

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