The Vaccinated Are Superspreaders, COVID Cases Up 300%!

That’s right.

The vaccinated are superspreaders!

COVID cases are up 300% since Labor Day last year. How could this be, I mean we have a vaccine! So with a vaccine, COVID cases have shot through the roof by 300%.

Clearly this shows, the vaccinated are… SUPERSPREADERS!

By cracky, how could it be?!

According to the New York Post,

“COVID-19 doesn’t take a holiday.”

Ahh, interesting thought I never considered.

According to Yahoo News,

Health officials noted the biggest difference between this year and last is the delta variant. They blamed the 316% increase over last year’s daily infections on the highly contagious COVID-19 mutation as well as a large number of Americans refusing to become vaccinated against the fast-spreading disease.

Ahh, yes!

I love the hypocrisy once again!

The ol media spin doctors are at it again. While trying to scare you into the vax, and mask, they pin the tail on the unvaccinated.

Well sorry folks, but the mainstream doctors who get all the attention told us long ago… The vaccine will protect us against variants.

Of course, they changed their tune on that a time or three, but hey!

Get the vax and you will be a-okay they told us.

Now since COVID cases are over 300% times higher, well, that just means the unvaccinated are causing it.

It’s completely laughable and I call complete and utter BS on this one.

We all know why the COVID cases are going up. “The vaccine wanes”, and as Dr. Malone told us, The Vaccine Is Causing The Virus To Be More Infectious!

Yes, that’s is right there.

The vaccinated are spreading the virus!

Yet, your government, and friends in the media continue to play divide the people and say it’s the unvaccinated.

Complete and utter hogwash.

Remember, these wise quacks, I mean wise mainstream Doctors told us the vaccine was going to end the pandemic. It would be the way we get back to normal, yet, we have a three-fold increase in COVID cases WITH A VACCINE!

This completely documents, these mainstream Doctors are fools in the least, and criminals in the worst.

So why listen to them?

Who knows, I don’t.

So in case you want to double check this 300% number, check out this chart.

Fear, Panic, Paranoia

You know folks, it seems ever since a couple of videos made their way around the internet of packed college football stadiums, suddenly we are being pressed with more fear and paranoia.

In fact, the newwww variant, is the “muuuuu” variant!

Boy, I keep using that line on my wife and kids. They cringe or say “Daddddyyyyy” every time!

I can’t help it, this whole thing is a joke, so why not make hay?

Oh, and that “mu” variant is now in 49 states. I guess that means I am supposed to tighten up my mask and get vaxxed. Well, I don’t own a mask and I’m not getting vaxxed, so good luck with that one.

By the way, apparently Dr. Fauci didn’t like those stadium videos, but I tell you what, I sure did!

But you know what my favorite video is?

This one, where Rand Paul ROASTS Fauci before a Congressional hearing.

Pssttt… Paul was right… New Details Emerge About Coronavirus Research At Chinese Lab

By The Way

Let’s remember how non-lethal COVID-19 really is. We will talk more about this later this week, but don’t forget about these goodies.

Educate your family and friends.

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