The Vaccine Is Causing The Virus To Be More Infectious

Big news, huge even!

Yesterday, CDC Director Rochelle Walensky said, individuals who have been vaccinated, and contract COVID-19, have just as much viral load as the unvaccinated, making it possible for the vaccinated to spread the virus.

I am not surprised by this, the fact the CDC just told us is the surprising part.

Folks, this seems to always be the case with every vaccine that has ever come out. The CDC is now confirming this for the COVID-19 vaccines on the market today.

Mask Up!

Check this out,

Today’s announcement by the CDC — that new research and concerns about the delta variant leads CDC to recommend a return to masking in parts of the country

So they want everyone to mask up indoors.

I say, “Hell no, we won’t comply!”

How many times will they get it wrong?

How many times will we go along with their false narrative that is ever-changing?

Enough is enough people, stand up for your rights!

Push back!

Bad News If Your Vaccinated

Unfortunately, the bad news for the vaccinated gets worse…

Remember our recent article about the inventor of mRNA vaccine technology?

His name is Dr. Robert Malone, his entire career is in vaccination. He believes he does good and honest work, and even he is concerned about the COVID-19 vaccines as we pointed out in that article.

Dr. Malone was just interviewed and had this to day,

The vaccine is causing the virus to be more infectious.

That is huge news coming from the inventor of mRNA vaccinations.

He went on to say, what they are seeing right now is a vaccinologist’s worst nightmare.

What seems to be rolling out is the worst-case scenario. Where the vaccine in the waning phase is causing the virus to replicate more efficiently than it would otherwise. Which is called antibody-dependent enhancement.

Surprise, surprise!

The COVID-19 vaccines are causing the virus to become more infectious which is making COVID spread more rapidly than it normally would.

Dr. Malone even added, this is not a surprise. ‘This has been the case with every Coronavirus vaccination effort in humans, and even animals.’

Dr. Malone recommended stopping the vaccine campaign, and instead, use drugs as treatments.

Watch the video for yourself.

Vaccinated Spread COVID

So now we can understand why we are hearing all these reports about COVID-19 spiking.

Look at some of the other articles I found:

Look what the article goes on to say,

A new analysis finds several counties with above-average vaccination rates also have higher COVID case rates, while case rates are falling in counties with below-average vaccination rates.

Where there are more vaccinated people, there are more cases of COVID-19.

That ties right into what the CDC and Dr. Malone just told us.

Nevertheless, the spin doctors worked quick.

Within the same article, they explain this is due to big population centers where the virus can spread faster. It’s possible, but due to the new information we have been presented today, we can see that is most likely not the case, and instead it’s due to the vaccine itself.

As Fauci likes to tell us, we should “follow the science”, and the science tells us the vaccines are bad mojo!

In spite of this groundbreaking news, President Biden is expected to mandate vaccination for all Federal Employees. This comes right after The Department of Veterans Affairs mandated vaccination.

Does that sound fair, right, and just to you?

I hope not.

We are beginning to watch the vaccination campaign crumble under its own feet. A vaccine that was put together in record timing, and we were supposed to trust it?

Here is another article I found,

Remember, they told you, they promised you, the vaccine was safe and effective.

That was a lie.

As Dr. Malone told us, nearly all Coronavirus vaccination campaigns throughout history have been a failure. Yet, we expected a different result from a rushed vaccine?

We tried to warn people about this, and the side effects in our article, 60 Minutes: Swine Flu Vaccine Fraud of 1976. There is nothing new under the sun folks, (Ecc 1:9).

Third Dose?

Now the “health experts” on TV are telling us, if you took the Pfizer shot, you need a third dose. This will be a never ending cycle unless the people demand otherwise.

Doctors We Need You!

Wise Doctors, we need you.

Medical professionals, we need you.

We need you to stand up for what is right.

Please do what is right. Please spread this to your community of friends and your colleagues.

Right now folks, we have all the data we need. We simply need to make this sort of information viral so it becomes common knowledge among the people.

Enough is enough.

Stop the mask mandates!

Stop forced vaccination!

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