These Conservative Orgs/Commentators Cover For Google…

We all know about tech censorship at this point, it’s no secret. What may be a secret to you is those on the right actually cover for Google, they are paid to do so.

We have explained for years, both parties, Democrat and Republican are controlled opposition. Yes, those on the right and left. That is division 101, control both arguments, and you control the conversation and where it goes. That is Satan’s method of operation, divide, and conquer.

The National Pulse put out a fantastic investigative piece concerning high profile conservative organizations and their conservative commentators. Some of these so-called conservatives have been caught red-handed covering for big tech all using their conservative badges to protect them from conservative blowback.

Their article is titled, EXPOSED: Google’s Go-To ‘Conservative’ Influencer List Who Claim ‘Big Tech Bias Is a Good Thing’.

The list contains 100 conservative commentators and the organizations they publish under. This is very revealing and damning to those who pretend to be conservative, but accept hush money from Google.

At the end of the article, The Heritage Foundation pipped up. Here is a clip of what they said,

The Heritage Foundation doesn’t take marching orders from anyone. We always have and always will operate according to a core set of principles when evaluating policy proposals.

Sorry folks, when you accept money from someone you are going to be swayed one way or another. Otherwise, the cash will be cut off. Since The Heritage Foundation is accepting money from Google, they are going to have to be pro-Google, otherwise the flow of cash will be caught off.

That is common sense. Google is not going to fund The Heritage Foundation or other conservative outlets to destroy themselves.

Jesus taught us that,

And if Satan cast out Satan, he is divided against himself; how shall then his kingdom stand?

Matthew 12:26

So Google is not going to destroy Google’s little game. Instead, they flip a couple bills to so-called conservatives to tone down their rhetoric. They pay these organizations and people to run cover for them. To pander!

How many other so called conservatives are taking hush money? How many other conservatives are doing this for Facebook and so on? This is only the tip of the iceberg, as you enjoy your conservative sites. Take note of who owns or operates them. Its very telling.

Read that whole article folks, its great!

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