This Is America?

I woke up this morning to more chaos in our once great and blessed nation. We are going to talk about a few things I saw this morning.

Ohio Woman Arrest And Tased

A woman in Ohio was arrested and then tased for not wearing a mask at an outdoor middle school football game.

Yes, you read that right. Now watch it for yourself.

Was anyone else compelled to go through the screen and help that woman? She did the right thing, she cannot be arrested for not wearing a mask much less tased.

I just cannot fathom how radically different our world is compared to just one year ago. Something like this would have been unthinkable. All over a virus with a 99.98% survivability rate!

Two Police Officers Shot By BLM Rioters

The mainstream media would call Black Lives Matter supporters “protestors”, but we all know protesters do not cause billions in damage.

These people are rioters and traitors to their country. Call it like it is, especially for an organization that scrubbed their about page. Learn the truth about Black Lives Matter.

The chaos kicked off yesterday after a judge ruled in the Breonna Taylor case. Rioters were not happy with the ruling. So instead of protesting, Black Lives supporters shot two Louisville police officers.

Black Lives Matter is an organization and they need to be investigated immediately by the government. That is legal and failure to do so will only raise more questions as to why the government is failing to act. Order out of chaos comes to mind.

Idaho: Christians Arrested For Singing Hymns

Three Christians were arrested in Idaho for participating in outdoor church services no less.

The man being arrested pointed out the obvious to the arresting officers…

“You guys should not be doing this. Doing this kind of crap for the mayor, this is embarrassing.”

Our New World

This is our new world. In just ones years time our world has radically changed. This has nothing to do with elections. Our own government, the CDC just announced the survival rate for COVID-19 is 99.98%.

So why is our President and elected officials not pointing out this information and ending all lockdowns in our nation?

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