This Is How We Educate Strangers For $4.50

Each time we drive to the store, I see more and more people wearing masks and gloves. This is due to government and mainstream media propaganda concerning the Coronavirus Pandemic. A virus that has killed fewer people than the Seasonal Flu! So I came up with a rather bright idea.

Full disclosure, my idea is not bright, but the markers sure are!

Educate By Window Markers

A couple of days ago when we went to the store I said,

“Let’s go check out the auto parts section”.

So we walked over and wouldn’t you know it, there were the window markers I was thinking of. Look guys, all they had was fluorescent green and pink honest, and I needed two colors.

Hey, for $4.50 I figured I am not losing much here. I must admit, I thought to myself, “my wife probably thinks I am crazy” (the jury was out on that until yesterday), but the thought vanished as quickly as it popped into my mind. We grabbed the markets and off we went.

The wife hopped in the truck, and I opened my markers.

She said,

“You are going to mark the windows right now”?

I said, “Sure why not, we have an audience,” as I looked around the parking lot.

So I wrote out the phrase in the image above on the window of our truck. My wife made a comment about my penmanship, good or bad I refuse to tell!

As we drove home, we talked about the current state of affairs and the marking on our truck.

The Next Store Run

The next time we went to the store, apparently, the jury decided…

As I walked out to the truck, it was official. The wife joined Crazy Town USA (inside joke) by marking the window on her side of the truck. For the record, my wife’s writing is displayed in the image.

As we pulled up to the store, I had to make a pass in front of the store to see if anyone would take notice. Sure enough, people took notice. I dropped off the wife and went to the back of the lot. Hey, she likes to shop alone sometimes!

As we left the parking lot, of course, I drove right past the front of the store and people started taking notice. At stop lights people looked over, even the guy at the cross walk took a long hard look at the truck. Hey, those fluorescent green and pink markers really stand out on our white truck.

So how many people will it help?

I will never know, but for $4.50 and a good laugh. It has been fun, and worth it in our opinion.

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