Triumphal Arch of Palmyra Comes To Washington D.C.

On September 26th the “Triumphal Arch of Palmyra” better known as the “Temple of Baal” will appear in Washington D.C.. “The Institute of Digital Archeology” provides us with these details. This institute has revived this perversion and symbol of evil and they have paraded it around the world for a few years now. We wrote about this subject in an article titled, “The Temple Of Baal Comes To The United States“.

In that article, we did not just cover this reproduction of wickedness. We included a Bible study that is extremely important for you to read. I am not going to rehash the topic here, I encourage you to read the study, but I do want to cover a few details and thoughts.

Before I move forward, the Triumphal Arch of Palmyra is not technically the “Temple of Baal”. However, the arch connected the street to the Temple of Baal. In my mind, it is the same thing, some people just like to sugar coat a sour pickle.

Triumphal Arch of Palmyra and Dates

Reports indicate this monument will be on display in Washington D.C. from September 26-30th.

That span of time covers another religion’s holiday. I always find that interesting, the occult loves to do this type of thing around religious dates.

On another note, you should also remember September 29th happens to be the true birthdate of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.

So instead of bringing Jesus Christ to Washington D.C., our nation’s capital, we are bringing a symbol of Satan to Washington D.C. to observe and honor.

I find that disturbing and disgusting.

Considering the hour we find ourselves in, what else should we expect?

Additional Reading:

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