Trump Admin Strikes Deal With Pfizer For Up To 600M Coronavirus Vaccine Doses: Free To Americans

The Wall Street Journal has the story, and I have some general thoughts here. The last time I checked, there were only 330 million Americans. Why is there an option for 600 million doses?

Regardless, the mainstream media has told us over and over immunity to COVID does not last. If true, then a vaccine will not help you even if the vaccine has no side effects. Think about that as they try and force one of these shots on you and your family.

Remember from the beginning of this, they plan to push for a digital certificate of vaccination. Hopefully, it does not come to that, but be aware of it.

Now Pfizer just made a cool $1.95 billion dollars while millions of Americans are without a job.

Notice how Jeff Bezos made another $13 billion in a single day. People are being forced to purchase online which in turn is inflating his wealth even more.

Is that fair?

Is it fair for the government to force you out of a job so the fat cats can get fatter?

This is not about fair, this is about destroying the current world order to bring about a new world order.

Do not forget what the vermin Dershowitz said. The government can plunge a needle into your arm. That is a warped sense of Constitutional law. Do not stand for anything like that should we see the day.

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