Trump Admin: ‘There Is No Downside’ Implementing A National Coronavirus Tracing System

We keep telling you this is not about politics, this is about control and your way of life. These words came from Trump’s Economic Advisor Kevin Hassett. These are the words of a dictator.

No doubt, Hassett’s words were inspired by H.R. 6666. We talked about that bill the other day.

White House: We Need Aggressive Surveillance Testing

You will notice, this big talk comes after several members of the White House Coronavirus Task Force found out they were in contact with someone who had COVID-19.

So the narrative becomes, ‘this can creep up anywhere, we have to take more measures’. I am sorry folks, that sounds like a setup and a reason to push forward with such draconian measures.

Here is how CNN helped setup the topic.

CNN’s Jake Tapper mentioned to Hassett that White House employees are constantly being tested but,

“Nationwide, we are not seeing the same kind of aggressive surveillance testing and contact tracing that we’re seeing in the White House.”

Look at that, right from the mouth of the mainstream media. Surveillance testing on the American people.

Tapper continues,

“Why not? Why not implement a nationwide aggressive testing and contact tracing system? What’s the downside?”

Let’s just see what our Republican and Conservative government had to say.

There is no downside,” Hassett answered. “In fact, we should use every single test that we can generate. And that’s something that we’re working overtime on ramping up testing.”

There is no downside to aggressive surveillance testing of American citizens, all over a virus with a mortality rate of 0.1%. That means it is a forgone conclusion, let’s just do it already.

They are removing our rights all in the name of peace and safety. We were warned about this.

Never Give Up Your Liberty

‘They who can give up essential liberty to obtain a little temporary safety, deserve neither liberty nor safety.’ – Benjamin Franklin

If you give up your liberty, which means your freedoms for temporary safety, not only do you deserve neither, you will never retain either one again.

H.R. 6666

As I mentioned, Hassett’s comments tie right into H.R. 6666. He is not bringing this up on his own, he knows about the bill. That is obvious.

Here is the gist of the bill.

The Secretary of Health and Human Services, acting through the Director of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, may award grants to eligible entities to conduct diagnostic testing for COVID–19, to trace and monitor the contacts of infected individuals, and to support the quarantine of such contacts, through…

When Tapper said “surveillance testing”, this is what he was talking about. They are attempting to warm you up to the idea of more mass surveillance, and who knows how far this will go.

It is not about the bill, but the idea. The idea that a supposedly Republican Conservative President would be okay with something like this is extremely disturbing.

If we had a Democrat in office, we would have the same result.

Do You Like Freedom?

If you do not like freedom, then continue to play the Republican, Democrat game.

If you like freedom, then stand with your countrymen, and tell our elected officials enough is enough, and open our country.

I know, a phone call or email is just too much work, and “it won’t make a difference anyway”. That is exactly why we are in this boat, because of attitudes like that.

Yet, that is exactly what made this PA Sheriff stand for the people.

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