Trump Cans Fauci For Rational Dr. Atlas, And Vaccine News

Dr. Fauci and Dr. Birx seem to be a thing of the past, finally. Trump has appointed a Radiologist named Dr. Scott W. Atlas as the new COVID-19 adviser.

New Doc

Dr. Atlas has thoughts along these lines.

The science of mask wearing is uncertain, that children cannot pass on the coronavirus and that the role of the government is not to stamp out the virus but to protect its most vulnerable citizens as Covid-19 takes its course.

NY Times

We all know the wearing of masks is propaganda, not science.

We also know COVID-19 has been hyped to no end. Especially when we consider the news that has broke in the last few days.

So we now see a sudden shift in medical advisors from the Trump admin just two months from Election Day…

Trump Wants Vaccines By November 1st

Dr. Robert Redfield, director of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, sent a letter last week to the nation’s governors with an urgent request. The Trump administration wanted them to do everything in their power to eliminate hurdles for vaccine distribution sites to be fully operational by Nov. 1.

Centre Daily

Remember, the U.S. Military will be distributing the COVID-19 vaccine.

Next, we add in news about the current COVID-19 vaccine trials.

Dr. Fauci who still has influence said an independent board could decide the COVID-19 vaccine

“Data is so good right now that you can say it’s safe and effective.”

CBS News added by paraphrasing,

If the clinical trials were to produce results that are overwhelmingly positive, scientists would have a “moral obligation” to stop the trial early and make the vaccine available to all participants in the study, speeding up the process to make it more widely available.


Quick Shift

So we suddenly see a quick shift taking place within the Trump Administration. Trump will finally leave the radical advice of wacko’s like Fauci and Birx and start accepting more sound advice.

We also see a rush to distribute a new vaccine, to save the people from COVID-19 right before the elections. Not to mention, Trump just halted all evictions and foreclosures until the end of the year. So additional economic pain will be covered up for now. If this is not a con job, I do not know what is.

Regardless, the COVID-19 narrative is beginning to run thin considering only 9,683 Americans actually died from COVID. Not to mention, 90% of those who test positive for COVID-19 are NOT contagious.

The next week or two will be very telling.

How much longer can this go on before Americans begin to call for the heads of politicians?

The thing I cannot let go.

Don’t Forget

Trump knew COVID-19 was overblown from the beginning, he Tweeted about it. He helped set off the firestorm by declaring a national emergency over 50 deaths that I am sure if we look back on, were not all COVID-19 deaths anyway.

Then Trump appointed radical doctors like Fauci and Birx and allowed them to scare us all year long shutting down our businesses and destroying our jobs.

We cannot blame that all on the Democrats folks, sorry, it’s just not going to fly. So we cannot say COVID was an attack by the Dems to steal the election. If anything, Trump hamstrung himself and remember, this is a global crisis.

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