Trump Shifts Military For Israeli-Arab Cooperation Against Iran

Due to recent peace agreements known as the Abraham Accords (negotiated by Jared Kushner), Middle East nations have now cozied up to Israel.

This prompted President Trump to order a major shift in the U.S. military just days before leaving office.

President Trump has ordered that the major U.S. military command for the Middle East be expanded to include Israel, in a last-minute reorganization of the American defense structure that pro-Israel groups have long advocated to encourage cooperation against Iran, U.S. officials said Thursday. 


What is the purpose of this shift?

The move means that the U.S. Central Command would oversee American military policy involving both Israel and Arab nations, a departure from decades of U.S. military command structure put in place because of acrimony between Israel and some of the Pentagon’s Arab allies.

This means, military operations and planning for the region will now have greater cooperation between Israel and their Arab neighbors.

What purpose could that possibly serve you ask…

The Jewish Institute for National Security of America, a Washington-based group that supports close military cooperation between the U.S. and Israel, urged the shift in December as a way to encourage the emerging alignment between Israel and key Arab states against Iran.

It should now be clear, President Trump ordered the military shift just days before Biden is set to take office. The shift means, U.S. Central Command will now oversee policy for Israel and Arab Nations.

This perfectly aligns with Arab NATO and we see the entire purpose is to unite these nations against Iran. Essentially, these nations now have more coordination and direction with U.S. Central Command which oversees military operations for this region. Do not forget, this ties right into the Global Center For Combating Extremist Ideology.

This comes on the heels of another major news event concerning Iran: Al Qaeda Has Set Up ‘Home Base’ In Iran Who Is Now Closer To Nuclear Bomb

Trump Signs More Bills Before Leaving Office

Further, President Trump just signed off on numerous other bills. One which I find disturbing is,

H.R. 221, the “Special Envoy to Monitor and Combat Anti-Semitism Act,” which elevates the Special Envoy for Monitoring and Combating Anti-Semitism;

This once again makes the Jews a special and protected class. In my opinion, Trump’s Jewish son in law probably had a lot of influence on this one.

No matter what your beliefs are, it is wrong to have a protected class of people. What is right is right, and what is wrong is wrong for all people. Having special classes of people simply means there is an attempt to silence your speech concerning those protected classes.


You want to think really long and hard about that one and understand the enemy is woven into the fabric of every point of power in our nation and world.

There are a lot of distractions out there, lots of confusion about events. You can choose to delve into that, or you can choose to keep focused on Jesus and God’s Plan.

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