Trump Signals He Will Send Federal Agents To Major Cities

Oddly enough, we just discussed the Federal government becoming involved in state affairs yesterday in a sign of soft Martial Law. Now the Department of Homeland Security is saying 150 agents will be deployed to Chicago this week.

As I read all the troubling economic news this morning, this is a clear sign the Federal government is positioning itself to quell further unrest. Hopefully, they will not overstep their bounds, otherwise, we will enter a new era of American history. One that will likely only lead to more chaos and trouble.

States Rights

I realize none of us like seeing the riots taking place in our nation. However, it is up to each state to regulate and govern itself. If we go away from that, we lose our nation.

While some of us may think the Feds should step in to stop the unrest, if they break the law in this case. Maybe tomorrow under a Democratic regime the Feds step in to take your guns for example.

That is ruling by decree, not by the rule of law.

We must always stand for the rule of law, that would be our Constitution. Failing to do that and keeping our government accountable means we lose our country.

In Other News

In light of sagging poll numbers and a slew of bad news, the President decided to promote wearing masks to the public. This shows you the length politicians will go to condition you to their truth.

Our choices this go-round are Trump who declared a national emergency over COVID-19 and destroyed our nation placing it under new record debt.

Our other choice… Joe Biden who probably forgot his name.

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