Trump: ‘We’re Mobilizing Our Military To Distribute COVID-19 Vaccine’

The title says Trump, not Obama. This is not something we expect to hear from any leader of the United States, much less a Republican.

When we discovered the Department of Defense was involved with the process of bringing 500 million injection devices to market for vaccine, we knew something was not right. This is just another piece of the puzzle.

Trump said,

We’re mobilizing our military and other forces but we’re mobilizing our military on the basis that we do have a vaccine. You know, it’s a massive job to give this vaccine. Our military is now being mobilized so at the end of the year we’re going to be able to give it to a lot of people very, very rapidly.” – CNBC

Why is the United States military involved with the distribution of vaccines, and why is the Trump admin okay with a national COVID-19 tracing system?

This is extremely disturbing. Military is for fighting wars on foreign soil, they are not to be involved in civil affairs. This policy shift by our President is a clear and present danger to the American people.

What exactly does the Trump Administration plan to do?

Trump continues,

“We will have a tremendous force because assuming we get it, then you have to distribute it. And unless you’re mobilized and ready, you’re not going to be able to do it for a long time. So we’re starting now.”

Trump uses the word “force” twice.

By illegally invoking the U.S. military, it is obvious they are trying to force vaccination on the people. Whether against our will or not, it makes no difference at this moment.

They have once again escalated the situation, by fall, a huge majority of the American population will believe they need the vaccine. Many already do. Those who refuse it will be painted as the enemy of society, and they already are.

It is happening right before our eyes.

This has nothing to do with a virus, vaccine, China or re-election. This has to do with removing your rights and preparing us for the new wave of global government. I do not see any other options from where I sit.

Folks, we tried to tell you years ago in our article, The Destruction Of Our Nation And The Ballot Box that Trump would be no good for our nation. We never had a choice to begin with.

Unfortunately, Americans and people in general just cannot see through the lie, they continue to remain tied to political parties when political parties have been designed to entrap your way of thinking.

Heavenly Father, if it be your will, please open the peoples eyes to the evils being perpetrated on our nation and world. Please open their eyes so you can use them.

In Jesus name, amen.

If video does not appear below, you can find the video here.

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