‘Up To A Dozen’ COVID-19 Variants In The United States

That is right, as of right now there are at least a dozen variations, mutations, strains, whatever you wish to call them of COVID-19. Months ago, I read several articles that explained there were several different strains or variants around the world even. The virus mutates from one “generation” to the next. Do you know what this means?

It means a vaccine is worthless.

Let’s think about this another way. Each year Big-Pharma whips up a new batch of flu vaccine which is never the same. Always different, and its Big-Pharma’s best GUESS as to which flu strain will be the most predominant. Sometimes they GUESS right.

So it is all a GUESS, a calculated GUESS is still a GUESS. Do you want to accept a foreign substance into your body based on someone’s GUESS? I don’t and won’t, it’s that simple for my family, period, end of story.

At this point, the continued promotion and discussion about vaccination only furthers the point we have made over the last few months. The COVID-19 crisis is a manufactured crisis and it is about control.

COVID-19 is not about a virus, but control. Locking down your town, city, state, and country is about control. Hey, in many places liquor stores are open. Marijuana stores are open. They are “essential”, but churches are “not-essential”.

That is obviously about control. Folks, every time we go to the store, the public gathers. Yet, we are being told we should be concerned about gathering at church?

Jesus Christ destroys lies, no wonder they do not want us going to church. Every time I sit down with a family and have a conversation, they all know COVID-19 is a lie. They get it. Maybe it is all chance we keep running into these people. I cannot answer that one, I just know my encounters.

Folks, if you enjoy being told what to do, and that you must accept a vaccine later down the road. Then go ahead and keep your mouth shut. It’s really easy to do. Just do not say anything. Anyone can do that.

On the other hand, if you do not enjoy your freedoms being removed, and you do not like the idea of government forcing you to do something you do not want to do, then reach out to your elected officials in a professional manner and tell them how you feel. You’re taxes cover their paychecks, you are their boss.

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