US Gov Forces Homosexual Agenda On Schools And Children

It seems, the government is not content unless they are telling you what to believe and accept these days. The Department of Justice recently produced a “Back to School” video for the kiddos.

It starts out nice enough, then dramatically shifts in tone.

Department of Education

Suzanne Goldberg, Acting Assistant Secretary for the Department of Education introduces herself, and just 30 seconds into the video she says,

Maybe you are worried about making friends or keeping up with the challenges in class. If you are a transgender student, maybe you are concerned about being accepted and safe.

You would think a “Back to School” video would be a unified message for all students.

Nope, not this one.

We are talking about the Federal Government here.

This video was directed to homosexuals.

They were just warming up.

In fact, the entire video is about transgender rights and the government filing lawsuits against any school that does not conform to the government’s homosexual agenda.

Department of Justice

Next up,

Kristen Clarke, Assistant Attorney General for the U.S. Department of Justice comes on to tell us,

Many schools are doing their best to make schools safe and welcoming places for all students, including LGBTQI students.

The true agenda of the video was now revealed.

Through this video, our Federal Government promotes and supports homosexuality, something God abhors, (Lev 20:13, 1 Co 6:9, Rom 1:27).

Kristen continues,

That is not the reality for all transgender students, including perhaps some of you.

The conversation is about homosexual students, not anyone else.

Let’s see what else Kristen had to say.

In some places, people in positions of authority are putting up obstacles that would keep you from playing on the sports field or accessing the bathroom and receiving the supporting and life saving care you may need. We are here to say that is wrong and against the law.

Those are absolute lies.

Anyone can access the bathroom in any state, in any school.

The problem here Kristen, is transgenders do not want to use the bathroom of their birth sex. So they want to infringe on our right to have privacy between men and women.

Do you see how our Federal Government twists the truth into a lie?

Just like Satan.

Also, there has not been a single transgender denied of “life saving care”.

That is another lie.

Transgenders have also not been denied from playing sports. The problem is, biological males, want to be females, then they want to play on the female sports team.

Well, that is not reality is it?

Why does the Federal Government want to distort reality all based on someone’s “wants”?

What if I want to be a goat, will the government support my right to be a goat?

Good grief people.

What is happening here is very simple.

The Federal Government is promoting homosexuals, while denying straight people their rights and privacy. Something that has existed since the dawn of humanity.

Yet, now we must change that. All because a man wants to be a woman?

I don’t think so.

Kristen had more to say,

We want you to know the Department of Education and the entire Federal Government are behind you. The Department of Justice along with the Department of Education are here to investigate complaints about discrimination or harassment based on sexual orientation or gender identity.

“Behind you”, as in, they are behind transgenders.

Not you Mr. Straighty, or your kids either.

Notice the emphasis here?

The Federal Government now says, who cares about sexual harassment, today’s topic is “sexual orientation”.

The sole purpose of the video was to further divide society, and our schools, over the bogus issue of homosexuality.

Folks, if you are born with a penis, you are a man. If you are born with a vagina, you are a woman. If you do not like that, that’s on you. You cannot pervert reality and then force it on everyone else. That makes you the problem, not me, or Mr. Straighty.

Department of Health and Human Services

Then we have,

Dr. Rachel Levine, Assistant Secretary for Health at the Department of Health and Human Services. This biological man dresses like a woman.

He comes on screen to tell us,

Learning environments free from bullying and harassment are vital to making sure that all students flourish, regardless of their sexual orientation or gender identity.

Once again, the Federal Government is supporting homosexuals over others.

What about everyone else?

Who cares!

Rachel continues,

It is critical to support trans youth, their parents and families, to help them achieve the health and well being that everyone deserves.


Our Federal Government is completely brainwashing the public to accept homosexuality, including your children, and they even have a transgender doing it.

What else would you expect?

Now if this individual was a devout Christian promoting Christian values, he would be yanked from his position. That kind of lets you know where morality sits these days, does it not?

Here Come The Lawsuits

Homosexuals are then instructed to file a complaint with the Department of Education and the Department of Justice if they have faced discrimination or harassment.

In fact, that seems to be the primary point of the video. To make it known to states who refuse the homosexual agenda, that they will be prosecuted by the Federal Government if they do not conform to the homosexual agenda.

Federal Government Has The Back Of Homosexuals

Rachel pops back on camera to provide a quote from President Biden who said,

To all transgender Americans watching at home. I want you to know your president has your back.

Rachel echo’s Biden by saying,

I want all of you to know, that I have your back too, and I will do everything I can to support and advocate for our community.

Our community?

What community?

The homosexual community of course.

Now isn’t that playing favorites?

I always thought the government was not supposed to place one group above another?

That doesn’t matter when we are talking about perversion and sin.

Perversion and sin which seems to rule the day.

No Discrimination

Kristen made sure to tells us,

Discrimination will not be accepted on our watch.

That was an absolute lie.

The Federal Government continually discriminates against anyone who does not conform to their agenda. They will paint you in the colors of the enemy if you do not buy into what they are selling.

They will call you a racist, hater, bigot, etc if you do not conform.

All in an effort to slander your character.

In fact, a couple years back Kristen said

White nationalism should be of profound concern to all Americans because it affects all communities and tears at the fabric of our nation.”


In reality, Kristen, Suzanne, and Rachel are tearing a part the fabric of our nation by pressing the homosexual agenda on the people. It is a perversion of reality itself.

Yet, if you love your European roots, this nation’s founding, and Christianity. Well then, you are a “white nationalist”, “racist”, and “domestic terrorist”.

Yet, if someone is a biological man who wants to be a woman. Well then, they are free to enter the female’s bathroom, along with your wife and daughter of course.


Here is that video.

Wickedness Increases

We were told long ago, perversion and sin would increase and take over during the last days, (2 Tim 3:1-7, 4:1-2, 2 Pe 3:3, Is 5:20-21).

Today, wickedness is paraded around as a good and moral thing to do and accept.

Yet, Christians should ensure they always stand by God. We were told long ago, “the whole world lieth in wickedness”, (1 John 5:19). That has not changed for the better, and today, we reap the leaders we deserve.

You want to remember what happened to Sodom and Gomorrha who embraced the abomination of homosexuality.

And turning the cities of Sodom and Gomorrha into ashes condemned them with an overthrow, making them an ensample unto those that after should live ungodly;

2 Peter 2:6, see: Genesis 19

God made that city, and those around it, an example for all nations that wish to live unGodly.

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