US Government Seeks To Monitor Text Messages To Stop Misinformation

Over the last year, the word “misinformation” and the phrase “false information” have been used as justification to block certain thoughts and ideas in the online realm. This led to an outright ban in the social media sphere where organizations and bloggers like us were censored from social media.

Those were stepping stones for the next advent.

Last week headlines swirled as President Biden stated,

Now we need to go community by community, neighborhood by neighborhood and often times door-to-door- literally knocking on doors, to get help to the remaining people protected from the virus,” Biden said.

Biden Launches Door To Door Program To Vaccinate America

Biden was speaking of going door to door in order to coerce people into getting the vaccine.

Of course, they won’t say that, but that’s the idea. According to Biden and friends, they want to help the people who may not be able to get the vaccine or have not heard about it.

Those are lies.

Everyone has heard about the vaccine by now, how could anyone not have heard about it?

It’s on every news headline, TV commercial, billboard, and supermarket sign.

Anyone who wants the vaccine could have received it someway or somehow at this point. The real problem, no one else wants the vaccine, not enough people are getting the jab to satisfy the government’s paranoia. This means the government does not have enough control over you.

More people accepting the vaccine, means government more control, which means the government can hatch the next plot upon the people. We live in an era of blatantly corrupt elections, and health scare tactics. These trends will only continue.

The government told us COVID-19 spells death, and they have the antidote, and not enough people are jumping at the opportunity to save themselves from death, doom, and destruction. Remember, someone only has power over you when they control your thoughts and actions. Once you give in, and they have enough adherants, then off to the next psychological event to destroy our nation.

This brings us to the next disturbing detail from our government. They are now seeking to limit our ability to share information with each other over social media and text messages.

Government Seeks To Monitor Text Messages

Biden allied groups, including the Democratic National Committee, are also planning to engage fact-checkers more aggressively and work with SMS carriers to dispel misinformation about vaccines that is sent over social media and text messages.


So Biden affiliated organizations, including the Democratic National Committee are working to censor information via social media and text messages, if they deem it “misinformation”.

This is almost unbelievable.

We have gone from social media censorship to attempted government censorship on the phone you purchased, and the phone plan you pay monthly for. At this point, it doesn’t matter if this ever becomes a reality or not. The fact that it was brought up, and is a point of discussion shows just how out of line our government is.

If this becomes a reality, it will never go away. Regardless of who holds power.

The government consistently says anyone doubting the mainstream media reports on COVID-19 and the vaccine are spreaders of false information. The fact of the matter is, the mainstream media, and our federal government are the biggest spreaders of lies and paranoia.

We continue to hear how deadly COVID-19 is, yet the official reports from the CDC say otherwise.

We continue to hear how deadly the new Delta Variant is, yet the official reports say otherwise.

We are living through a time of massive delusion, we recently discussed this, and it just continues to become more prevalent by the day.

Our government now seeks to censor information from your family and friends. If this becomes a reality, its very possible you will never even know the message was sent to you. This is absolutely disturbing, and it brings us closer to the reality of Revelation 13:17.

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