U.S. House Just Passed $1.5 Trillion ‘Green’ Bill, This Is Mentioned In “The Great Reset”

In our video The Great Reset, we explained an initiative of the globalist agenda is to transform our world by adopting “Green” energy deals. The U.S. House of Representatives just passed a $1.5 Trillion dollar deal.

“This is a transformational bill that will rebuild our country and economy for the 21st Century, and if the Senate wants to move our nation forward, it would pass this bill immediately,” said Rep. Frank Pallone, chairman of the Energy and Commerce Committee.

Washington Examiner

Of course, this still has to go through the Senate, but we see the attempt being made to radically transform our country at every single level.

When we hear about things like this, it only confirms how much our politicians are in bed with the globalist cause. The World Economic Forums’ stated goal is to bring about global change through Green energy. The World Economic Forum is one of many, many players and should not be your focus.

As Jesus said, observe individuals by their works. Anyone who seeks to change America from what made her great is trying to steal your freedom from you.

Green energy deals like this one may sound great to some people. In a perfect world, we would have a perfect nation. However, that does not exist. We live in a world where a few want to amass control over the many and you and I are not a part of the few.

None of this will benefit you or America as a whole. Deals like this one are designed to bring about an end to our way of life.

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