U.S. Military Goes Full LGBT With Recruitment Video And All Gay Helicopter Crew

These days, the whole world is falling apart it seems, but nothing comes close to the rot we are seeing within the United States. The government’s handling of the COVID-19 pandemic was a disaster. It was the pandemic that never was.

Now manufactured racism and diversity projects are destroying our once blessed nation. Today, diversity and inclusion mean anything that is anti-Christian and anti-America.

Enter the latest from the United States military.

U.S. Army Recruitment Advertisement Features Lesbian Wedding

The U.S. Army released an animated video advertisement featuring a girl raised by two mothers. The video depicts the lesbians getting married. Ironically enough, one of the lesbians is a transgender. It’s pretty obvious by the stature of the one.

The advertisement, titled Emma|The Calling, showed a girl’s childhood before she joined the Army as a Patriot Missile operator. The two-minute video followed Emma while she watched her two mothers get married, joined a sorority at the University of California-Davis, and fought for “freedom” at a young age by participating in a gay rights parade.

Washington Examiner

If you want to puke, vomit, and throw up, here is the video.

U.S. Army All Gay Helicopter Crew

The normalization of homosexuality and transgenderism continues to escalate in our world. Our government continues to support and promote these agendas with your tax dollars.

“History was made on Friday with the first ever all gay U.S. Navy helicopter crew,” tweeted veteran Navy Intelligence Officer and left-wing activist Travis Akers, along with pictures of the homosexual flyers.

Travis Akers

Akers added, the first openly gay helicopter crew, which begs the following questions.

  • How many all gay helicopter crews are there?
  • Are they really the best and the brightest since homosexuals make up just 1-2% of the population?
  • Surely our government is not playing into propaganda in order to support the LGBT movement?

What The Image Of The Military Should Be…

When one thinks of the military, they think of tough men who are willing to fight to defend our freedom. Unfortunately, that has not been the case in this nation for a long time. I cannot count how many times I have read articles about men in uniform wearing high heels and so on.

Of course, we have many men in uniform who are men. However, our government is making a mockery out of our military men and woman. Here is a great example in this video comparing Russia and the United States.

You know things are bad when a communist nation is doing a better job at standing by God’s Word than your own so called, Christian nation. Our nation has fallen so hard, and so fast, as we the people continue to put up with it.

We support politicians who do not stand by God and instead tickle our ears.

We support churches that stopped teaching God’s Word and cower to government.

So we will continue to fall as a nation until we demand more.

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