U.S. Troops Now Control 1/3 Of Syria

This article documents the title you have just read. Did Syria’s leadership have a say in the matter? Of course not. Do you see how the global narrative stays the same despite the change in U.S. leadership? Why do you think that is?

It is due to Satan, the god of this world who through wickedness has grasped control over this nation. It does not matter who becomes “elected,” those running for office were already “selected” for us and it matters not who wins any so-called “fair election“.

Why is the U.S. now in control of a 1/3 of Syria?

To answer that we first need to understand a little history.

Chemical Weapons

During the Obama Administration, we were told Syria’s President Basher Assad used chemical weapons against his own people. The U.S. Government made this claim to the world with so-called proof. The U.S. came extremely close to invading Syria, but in the moments before war, Russia and the United Nations stepped in and called the U.S. allegations insubstantial, essentially a lie.

The Arab Spring

A year later we suddenly had the “Arab Spring” which took root in the Middle East, but specifically, you guessed it…


The “Arab Spring” was supposedly a grassroots movement in Syria, they called it a “civil war“. However, this too was proved to be a lie. Instead, we discovered the U.S. Government funded the Arab Spring which turned into the famed terrorist group ISIS. Of course, these so-called “freedom fighters” were not even from Syria, but other nations within the Middle East.

Essentially, they were paid mercenaries.

Years later, and we are now told “ISIS has dwindled” due to “the global war on terrorism“, I said global war by the global powers of today.

What has truly dwindled is the nations standing against the global powers of today; Iraq, Libya, Afganistan, Syria and Iran.

The “Arab Spring” just like chemical weapons of the past was the narrative used to launched military operations in Syria.

More years went by.

Now we find the U.S. Government firmly planted in Syria, even though ISIS is no longer a threat.

What is the reason this time?


The takeover of Iran has been the true goal the entire time, everything else was simply a reason to get their foot in the door, to place U.S. troops on Syrian soil. To continue to erode Iran’s influence and power in the region.

You will notice many of the nations the US has invaded actually border Iran, the nations that have not been invaded already have U.S. military installations on them. Essentially, they are under the control of the current global structure.

Despite Donald Trump promising to bring the troops home,

“the administration switched course, saying the troops will stay in Syria pending an overall settlement to the Syrian war and with a new mission: to act as a bulwark against Iran‘s expanding influence.”

Imagine that.

So we see the newly stated goal concerning the invasion of Syria is to remove Iran’s influence from Syria. To be perfectly clear, that has always been the goal. Everything else was just an excuse to use force against Syria.

Iran is the enemy of the globalists, they, being the global powers of today have made this clear, time after time.

A Global Game

Aside from terrorism and the Syrian government, you have local tribes caught up in this manufactured conflict.

Sheikh Humaidi al-Shammar, the head of the Shammar tribe stated,

“Everything is uncertain. We are part of a global game now, and it is out of our hands.”

A member of the Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF) which is an alliance of Kurdish, Arab and Assyria/Syriac militias stated,

“Everything is very complicated and no one knows which way to turn. We don’t know who is against whom and who is with whom.”

Utter confusion, Satan’s method of operation. As we can see, even the local tribes and militias are confused as to what is transpiring in Syria and why.

One thing is certain, since the U.S. war on terrorism it has cost American taxpayers $1.46 trillion dollars and counting, (see: Terrorism). Further, it has resulted in the deaths of millions in the Middle East, lifelong injuries and the overall destabilization of the region.

How have these acts helped citizens of the U.S. or the people of the world?

We no longer ask these questions as Americans.

We rarely if ever think about the war that is destroying the Middle East, including the people who call it home.


The Christian should understand all of these events, including those in Israel relate to the Bible and prophecy.

So how do we make sense of these events?

It begins by you asking Him for understanding and then opening your Bible.

If you would like to study with us and learn more about prophecy and how it relates to the Return of Christ, we encourage you to read our Bible study, “The Timeline of the Tribulation”.

Iran plays a major role in the fulfillment of prophecy and it would seem that it is beginning to knock on our door…

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