Vaccine Truth Bombs Dropped By Doctor On Indiana School Board

You will love the video, another Doctor is speaking out about COVID, vaccination, and how the pandemic has been handled. This time, in front of a school board. One of the biggest statements he made, in my mind, is how we again have an outbreak in the middle of summer.

We actually had that last year which we all thought was odd. Now this year, it’s worse than last year, and, there is a vaccine. If something smells rotten in Denmark, that’s because, it is!

At this point, we have to live with the virus. It’s always going to be around.

Further, as a nation, we have at least 88% herd immunity right now and “Delta” has a 99.9% survivability rate.

So it’s time to party like its 1999, not lockdown like its 1984.

This event was covered by the local newspaper to document this is a real Doctor.

Sterilising Immunity

Further, I want to touch on something he said about the vaccine, about, vaccines not stopping infection, but stopping symptoms. I found a Conversation article discussing just that subject, here is a clip from that.

Some vaccines stop you getting symptomatic disease, but others stop you getting infected too. The latter is known as “sterilising immunity”. With sterilising immunity, the virus can’t even gain a toehold in the body because the immune system stops the virus entering cells and replicating.

So there are two types of vaccines.

One that stops symptoms, which means you are still infected. Which means you still spread the virus.

The other, “sterilising immunity” which prevents infection, and of course symptoms since you have no infection.

Speaking of the COVID vaccine, the article adds,

We don’t yet know whether these vaccines can induce sterilising immunity.

This was back in January.

Was it going to be a guess from the vaccine makers, or was the author not informed on the matter?

How about this next part.

What would a lack of sterilising immunity mean for those vaccinated with the new COVID vaccines? Quite simply it means that if you encounter the virus after vaccination, you may get infected but show no symptoms. This is because your vaccine-induced immune response is not able to stop every virus particle from replicating.

So not all vaccines create “sterilizing immunity”.

Now for the burner…

Although even if sterilising immunity is induced initially, this may change over time as immune responses wane and viral evolution occurs.

So, even if the COVID-19 vaccines were meant to be “sterilising immunity” vaccinations, they are not working that way. They have “waned” in a matter of months. In fact, we have more infections now with vaccination than we had without.

This ties right into what Dr. Malone, the mRNA vaccine inventor told us, The Vaccine Is Causing The Virus To Be More Infectious.

This all proves our government and the shills for Doctors on TV day and night should be thrown in the slammer. Last year, when Dr. Fauci said COVID was going to be seasonal, that should have ended it right there.

It meant, there will always be a need for a new vaccine to be created as the virus mutates. Yet, here we are a year later talking about the same thing. COVID will always be around.

Dr. Stock’s Sound Bites

Everything we are doing is wrong. Everything being recommended by the CDC is inconsistent with established Science and their own data. Masks are ineffective at preventing viral transmission, per the CDC’s and NIH’s own data.

We cannot make respiratory viruses disappear. They circulate all year, and they have animal reservoirs. Smallpox had no animal reservoirs.

Vaccination changes none of this. The current vaccine is causing anti-body mediated viral enhancement, which has happened for all coronaviruses.

Vaccines allow the virus to be come worse than it would with native infection.

75% of symptomatic COVID cases in Cape Cod were of fully-vaccinated individuals.

Therefore vaccinated and unvaccinated should be treated equally.

Vaccinated individuals are shedding virus. The vaccines don’t do exactly what you want them to do. These summer outbreaks are unusual, and being driven by the vaccinated. People who had COVID get no benefit at all from vaccination, and they get reactions to the vaccines at four to six times the previously uninfected.

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