As Walmart Requires Masks, Florida Labs Lie About COVID-19 Results

On July 20th, Walmart and Sam’s Club will now require all customers to wear a face mask before entering the store. They are blaming this on the second wave of COVID-19. Remember our post, This Is Not Going Away?

As we recently pointed out, cases are rising as more testing is taking place. In reality, the deaths from COVID are plummeting to record lows according to the World Health Organization.

So we have more fear, panic, and manipulation of the public. This is being used to drive an agenda, one that conditions the public to radical and unprecedented actions by the government.

We are quite literally being herded like cattle to the whims of government and I know I keep saying it, but remember about The Great Reset.

Draconian States

Add to that California who has now set up “strike teams” to ensure companies comply with the new illegal lockdown order. Oregon joined the brainwashing agenda stating face masks are now required where social distancing cannot take place and banned groups of 10 or more.

Florida Labs Not Reporting Accurate COVID-19 Numbers

In Florida, some labs are reporting 100% or near COVID-19 infection rates. Obviously, that would be impossible. Fox News investigated the matter.

Orlando Health had a 98 percent positivity rate. However, when FOX 35 News contacted the hospital, they confirmed errors in the report. Orlando Health’s positivity rate is only 9.4 percent, not 98 percent as in the report.

Fox News

So Orlando Health fudged the numbers big time creating more fear and panic.

In today’s world, honestly is a forgotten word. Instead, evil and dishonest people are driving an agenda to strike fear into the American people to radically change our nation and in turn, our world forever.

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