Washington Governor Implements Statewide Contact Tracing Plan For COVID-19

We just reported the Trump Administration said, “There is no downside” to implementing a national contact tracing program. Now Washington State has begun to do it.

I want you to realize the Communist Government of China is not doing any of this. None of it. Satellite imagery shows the nation is back to normal. Yet, your Free Republic of the United States of America is shutting you down, removing your rights, and nearly everyone is taking it like a good slave.

Moving on.

Governor Jay Inslee has laid out plans for a statewide contact tracing program. This includes restaurants keeping a log book of customers with their name, phone/email and check in time. In addition, we have this video below.

At the 2 minute mark, one reporter asks,

“When it comes to contact tracing, how are you guys going to handle people or families who want to refuse to test or to self isolate? If they want to leave their home to get groceries I know you’ve said they can’t do that; how will you make sure they don’t?

Inslee’s response:

We will have attached to the families a family support person who will check in with them to see what they need on a daily basis… and help them. If they can’t get a friend to do their grocery shopping, we will help get them groceries in some fashion. If they need pharmaceuticals to be picked up, we will make sure they get their pharmaceuticals… That’s going to help encourage them to maintain their isolation too.

These are the words of a Communist Dictator, not a Governor of the United States. Inslee states, COVID-19 positives will be unable to leave their home, along with their entire household. That is a part of their contact tracing program.

Since they are able to assign a “support person” for each infected family, that tells us right there, COVID-19 is not as bad as we are being told. The population in Washington is 7.6 million. Washington is assigning less than 1,400 “support persons” to handle this. Use common sense people.

This is not about the virus, this is about taking away your rights and seeing how far they can push the American people. We have courrupt leaders in power.

As far as enforcement, Inslee did not answer in this short clip. However, Lynnwood Times reports,

For those businesses/individuals that don’t comply, the governor stated that he confirmed with Attorney General Bob Ferguson, there will be sanctions in civil or crimmal court.

The words “lawsuit”, “sanctions” and “criminal” if you refuse to comply with their illegal order.

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