We Need Some Push Back People!

Every day we wake up, you better believe the news will have some new or escalating danger to report. This is true for the left and right. This constant barrage of bad news has weighed heavy on our souls.

With every rise of the sun, the mental, physical, and spiritual war we face becomes more real.

As Christians, what exactly are we doing about it?

I mean it makes no sense to cry about something, but then not put some plan of action together in an attempt to stop the problem. You don’t need to be Paul Bunyan to make a difference, even little ol you can do some good in this world, believe it or not.

This morning, as I strolled through the news with coffee in hand, I found some articles of push back, and some other things that you should be aware of…

Go Mississippi!

Mississippi filed a brief calling on the Supreme Court to overturn Roe v. Wade. This is a great step in the right direction. Hey, if we all sat on our hands, we would not be talking about this. Nevertheless, that article goes to show, there are still some decent people in office trying to do what is right for the people who elected them to office.

So remember to hold your elected officials accountable. Some people laugh at that, but if enough people banded together, we all could pressure our legislators to make positive change for good.

Of course, it’s much easier to laugh and say, “we can’t do anything” and watch it all fall a part while yelling at each other to “wake up” over the latest truth bomb. We don’t want to get involved, but we will link drop to erroneous websites alllll ddaaayyyy loonnnnggg.

Go Clapton!

Everyone remembers the song “Layla” by Eric Clapton, but did you know the famed musician just said he will refuse to perform at any venue if people are required to be vaccinated against COVID-19?

How about that?

We have one in our corner, and it made the mainstream news.

We need more things like this, more people speaking out and standing up. We need more people pushing back and saying, “Damnit, that’s enough!”

If we don’t, this ship is going to take on even more water than it already has.

What’s The NFL?

Next up, apparently the NFL is looking to push more COVID-19 propaganda. They are looking to make a new rule where, if a team has a COVID outbreak and they have unvaccinated players, well then, that team forfeits the game as a loss.

Pushy, pushy huh?

Apparently, some NFLers decided to push back a little.

Cardinals receiver DeAndre Hopkins said,

Never thought I would say this, but being put into a position to hurt my team because I don’t want to partake in the vaccine is making me question my future in the NFL.

You should read the other responses from some current and former players in that link. They are not happy campers folks!

So that’s great, more push back from people with big audiences.

You have an audience too, it’s called your family and friends. Use it.

That may have been pushy…

Mainstream Mayhem!

I tell you what, we need even more push back, and we need to start doing it right now. Leverage your family, friends, and communities. Talk to your churches, your schools, and your children’s sports teams. Talk to everyone, respectfully bring up the topic and ensure people understand, vaccination is a choice!


The mainstream media and the morally corrupt continue their onslaught against us. Ol Dr. Wen was back on liberal CNN to explain, “if you are not vaccinated, you can’t come”, to whatever venue, whether it be schools, the stores, etc.

Dr. Wen really doesn’t care.

She doesn’t care about your rights. Only her worldview and what she thinks is right. I say to heck with people like her. Anyone who thinks I do not have the right to choose is my sworn enemy.

Yes, it’s that simple.

I am telling you folks, these people cannot debate the facts.

Why do you think everyone keeps getting banned from social media?

All they can do is scare you and force you into what they want you to do.

Hence why “monkey pox” was the new headline the other day.

Social Media Shenanigans!

Speaking of social media, give this article a look over.

The gist?

It’s a Christian Conservative type website, they compared their shares/likes/comments for Facebook from July 2020 with July 2021 to see how things have shaken out.

They went from tens of thousands of shares to dozens of shares.

Hey, the data does not lie!

Why do you think we kicked social media to the curb?

Social media is like tuning into CNN.

I don’t know, maybe some folks like CNN, but I think it’s a disaster along with the rest.

For the record, we noticed the same trend as that website. Even though we pulled the social sharing buttons, I had some tech working in the background to sort articles based on shares.


Our shares dried up like no one’s business. It was so bad, I did some research to see if Facebook stopped share counts!

When this article popped up this morning I thought, it’s just par for the course. Even to this day, the amount of traffic we get from Facebook is almost non-existent. The traffic we get from Google continues to decline, with major sustained drops in the last month or so.

Duckduckgo is our friend!

Remember, don’t Google-it, Duck-it!

Vaccination Prevention?

Alright, enough of that talk.

How about this instead…

A John Hopkins study found there were zero, count um, zero COVID deaths among healthy kids. I know, I know, you are shocked, amazed, and all that.

How about another factoid?

According to New Jersey’s Department of Health,

49 people who were fully vaccinated have died of the virus as of July 12.

Now they keep blabbering on about how effective this vaccine is, and folks, I keep running into these articles like you probably are, and I have to tell you…

I am not even searching for this stuff.

It’s just popping up in my non-AI based news feed.

So the truth is, the vaccines are not as effective as they tell us.

Then again, who needs a vaccine?

Isn’t the idea behind vaccination to prevent you from contracting a mortifying super spreader virus of death, doom, and destruction?


Then why are we so concerned, since COVID has a 99.98% survival rate?

Push Back!

Alright, so there we have it, there is a run down for today.

It’s an example of hope through action, and one with facts to combat the enemies lies.

But hey, we, as in you and I, we have to take some action here. I never once had a problem in life solve itself. I mean I have had some rusted bolts to deal with in my time, and they never came un-seized on their own.

I had to put in effort to make it happen.

So don’t ever give up.

God cannot use quitters, God needs some fighters right now folks. He needs some people out there who are willing to step up to the plate for what is right.

You should probably know, through non-Biblical means, you can still inspire people, and help them come to the faith or pick it back up.

I was actually reminded of this by a reader just the other day, it was our pal Shannon who told me,

I do have to say that Covid research led me to your website, and your website led me to the Bible. I’ve been reading it, in its entirety, for the first time ever, since January. Thank you for that!

Shannon, thanks for sharing that with us.

So folks, there it is.

You can make those kind of differences by letting God work through you. By picking up the Word of God, reading it, and applying it to your life. No one ever got ahead or made a difference by giving up.

You can be a difference maker by speaking up, by pushing back a little, and doing what is right.

Have a blessed weekend.

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