We’re At A Crossroads

As I continue to observe the news each day, the more questions I begin to have. I took another look at the World Health Organization’s COVID-19 Dashboard. You can clearly see, the number of deaths in the United States from Coronavirus continues to climb.

Record COVID-19 Deaths

At this point, COVID-19 deaths have probably reached Seasonal Flu levels, which is not impressive if I can use such a description. Remember, in 50% of COVID-19 deaths, the patient also had Pneumonia.

However, we know the mortality rate of Coronavirus is 0.1%. So we know something stinks here, you do not shut down a nation, and the world over something like this. There is certainly a larger agenda in the works here.

So the question becomes…

Why open the nation now, and in the coming weeks?

Look, for new readers, our nation should have never been shut down over this. Read the articles here, we document why, over and over.

For everyone else.

Open The Country Amid Record Deaths?

If our leaders were truly afraid of the Coronavirus wiping out the people, would you really open the country back up amid record deaths from the same virus you are trying to protect the people against?

Of course not.

You would explain to the people,

The Coronavirus is worse now than ever before, we cannot open the nation.

That would be your spiel…

Yet, we are not seeing that. We are seeing the states begin to open up, at a time when the reported COVID-19 deaths are hitting new records, day after day. Remember, the President recommended a national shutdown when 50 people died, he declared a national emergency.

Now, when supposedly over 2,000 people a day are dying from COVID-19, they want to open the country?

That does not make sense at all.

We’re At A Crossroads

I feel we are at a crossroads, either we go back to normal, or this scenario continues to unfold.

What could that look like?

Let’s talk about it.

I have seen reports say, there will be a second wave of COVID-19 at some point, and we have been told COVID-19 will be seasonal which gives them a reason to push for that vaccine even harder.

The globalists who are pushing hard for a New World Order understand psychology very well. They know how you will respond to specific scenarios. They know how long they can keep their boot on your neck before you push back. I feel the last thing the nations want to do is declare martial law.

That would instantly throw a wall up between the people, and government.

Right now, most people are inline with the COVID-19 Scare. You see them, they are wearing masks everywhere they go, yet, a select few are becoming rebellious.

So would it not seem possible…

Our nation, and the world open back up, to prevent a rebellion, especially during summer (North America, Europe) when people want to get out. Only for the reported infection rate to skyrocket along with new record deaths… Would that not send the world into shock, a second time, and everyone would agree to keep things closed until further notice…

That way, they do not need to institute a hard martial law, they can continue down the road of soft martial law we have all experienced. This would enable more economic damage, and give more credence to the idea of needing a vaccine. A vaccine is NOT needed, but that is the agenda they are pushing, so we follow their agenda to see where it may lead so we can be prepared. That is why I wrote this for you today.

At this point, it really does not matter. I feel enough economic damage has been done, that if, we are truly at a defining point in world history, we will have another global financial collapse that will forever change the world.

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