What Will The World Look Like After COVID-19?

That headline came from our friends over at the World Economic Forum. Unless you have been living under a rock, they are the ones pushing The Great Reset. That is, with their pals at the United Nations and other global organizations. In that article, they list 10 things the world needs to do to embrace the new normal.

Not all of those 10 things are horrible ideas, a few I actually found agreement with, but overall you can see the deep rooted attempt to radically transform our world over the manufactured COVID-19 pandemic.

The World Economic Forum gets right to the point, and makes no bones about explaining how this crisis has now, forever changed our world.

They state,

The global pandemic has shone a light on significant domestic and international weaknesses. It also exposed some of the myths and fallacies of conventions used to explain the world. Changes that were already happening have been accelerated, fulfilling in a few months what might have otherwise taken decades.

We have talked about that a lot lately. World events are rapidly unfolding that are paving the way for a unified global order. That is what this pandemic is all about, making that possible. The World Economic Forum even wants you to know that. This crisis advanced much of the global agenda in mere months, which would have taken decades to accomplish, right from their own mouth.

Jesus told us, before His Return, world events and Bible prophecy would rapidly begin to unfold. He compared them to “sorrows” which are “birth pains.” We know before the Return of Jesus Christ, there will be a unified global order, (Revelation 13).

Let’s read their next line.

This is the moment for the current and next generation of leaders to make their mark and grab the opportunity to fix these mistakes and allow for a true reset.

“A true reset”. A global reset from our way of life, into a global unified order. It’s not going to happen overnight, but it is already occurring.

I found the mention of the “current and next generation of leaders” interesting myself.

When you think about our school system, not just in our nation, but around the world, and how much it has changed. That system has molded this “current and next generation of leaders” into globalists by globalists. This is what the KGB defector was telling us many years ago. This is one of the reasons why our world is changing so fast. Psychologically, we have been conditioned from when we were just a child to embrace these things.

So it all comes together, just not quite as fast as we may all like. Nevertheless, God’s Plan is coming to pass.

Rethinking Monetary Policy For Public Good 

This next quote reeks of the globalist modern monetary theory.

To respond to the economic pain and disruption of the pandemic and related public-health measures, governments are passing relief packages of record size, numbering in the billions of dollars. Before the pandemic, governments were sceptical of spending too much money. The question “but how do you pay for this?” was common when discussing massive public programmes in both legislatures and the media.


The pandemic has torpedoed these beliefs. As governments tap into their reserves to unleash public spending, they could invest in necessary infrastructure, pay for the public provision of basic needs and public services, and invest in research and development to prepare society for future challenges. 

I love this, talk about a contradiction. “How do you pay for this” means we have no money, yet the next sentence they state, “governments tap into their reserves”.

Governments have no reserves, your wallet is their reserve. The only way governments can pay for spending is by stealing from you.

Yes, some form of taxation is required. We do need roads, etc. However, taxation has gotten out of hand. Taxes only go up, they never go down.

Do you realize in the early 1900s there was no federal income tax? Neither was there a property tax! When you paid off your home, you actually owned it. Today, even if your note is paid off, don’t pay property taxes and see how long it remains in your possession.

So as time goes on, the government just continues to dig into our pocketbooks and the World Economic Forum seems to think that’s a great idea. Of course, they are globalists. They are all about government paving the way for us to make a better world.

Give me a break already.

This next quote ties right into Universal Basic Income. They explain, government can help,

Providing low-cost housing, for example, would give low-income families security and the means to invest in themselves. From starting their own businesses to improving their health, it would be a long-term investment in expanding the ability of more segments of the population to contribute to society.

This sounds good on paper right?

Giving everyone a fair shake… Folks, let me tell you something. I grew up poorer than dirt. There are tons of programs for poor families. I lived through it as a kid. I learned from it as a kid, and I knew, I never wanted to live like that.

So do you know what I did?

I did not feel sorry for myself or our economic situation. I pulled myself out of it, thanks to God. I went to college and government grants even helped, but were not required to do that. I won’t bore you with the details, but we do not need more government programs. They do not help the poor, instead, they enable people to stay poor by giving them just enough to get by.

Look, when you go hungry, it makes you want to get off your duff to feed your gut!

What we are seeing in our world, is the poor become poorer, and the middle class become poor. There is no lifting of the poor class, that is not the goal of globalization. Rather, the goal is to reduce the global population, in order to “save the planet of course”.

Geopolitics Behind Western Supremacy 

Look at this next quote.

The world’s botched response to the pandemic will affect international relations. Asia quickly tightened controls and contained the outbreak. The response of China, Japan, South Korea, Vietnam, Singapore and Taiwan, China, contrasted starkly with that of Europe and the Americas.

Who could have seen that one coming?

It was outlined in the 2010 paper, Rockefeller ‘Future Scenario’ Becomes Reality Of Coronavirus Pandemic.

A post-pandemic world will be one with many different powers: China, India, Russia, Europe, Africa, Brazil and the US. Tensions will exist between these different countries, and the boundaries of their influence will be contested. But there are also significant global problems that can only be managed through close cooperation between them.

As world powers continue to rise and change, they will demand the current world order be altered to benefit their own nations. Today, the United States benefits from the dollar being the world’s reserve currency. That cannot go on forever.

If there’s one thing that the Covid-19 pandemic has taught us, it is that the old assumptions no longer apply

Countries, corporations and individuals must adjust to the pending new normal.

Leaders, especially, should make their mark and grab the opportunity to fix the mistakes of the past and allow for a true reset.

Old assumptions and beliefs no longer apply, including your Christian belief.

How that has rung true this last year alone, as perversion and sin becomes the new normal, and your ancient beliefs get left in the dust.

So more and more, we continually hear about this new normal, and how we must adapt to it. This new normal is all about bringing global change to the nations of the world. Merging the world closer together, something we are already seeing, and to quote the World Economic Forum one more time…

Fulfilling in a few months what might have otherwise taken decades.

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