White House: ‘The Chinese Communist Party’ Crashed America’s Economy In 60 Days

This is utter and absolute re-election propaganda. President Trump has made these sort of statements in the past, more subtle, while these new statements are extremely direct.

“China Did It”

Let’s read exactly what White House trade adviser Peter Navarro had to say.

“Americans won’t go to church because of the China virus. Sons and daughters of America won’t be taking their mothers to brunch. Tomorrow, 33 million Americans won’t be going to work, and millions of children in America will be home climbing the walls, instead of learning reading, writing, and arithmetic. So, that’s the China problem that we face. President Trump built the most powerful and beautiful economy in the world in three years. The Chinese Communist Party took it down in 60 days.”

Let me get this straight here…

Donald Trump called a national emergency when just 50 people died, days after saying the Coronavirus was hype. Through his direction, this led to states and businesses locking down. Removing the rights granted to us by the Constitution.

As of today, the Coronavirus is about equal to a bad flu season, and there are numerous reports now that COVID-19’s mortality rate is 0.1%.

Those are the facts of the matter, everything else is opinion and propaganda.

Re-Election Propaganda

The Trump Admin is playing right into the hand of his faithful who believe the “Deep State” caused a GLOBAL Coronavirus outbreak to somehow derail Trump’s re-election campaign. That is what most Trumpites believe.

That is pretty embarrassing actually. Folks, this is occurring around the entire globe, not just in the United States, further, your President set the stage for the crisis. He along with the mainstream media are the reason you lost your job, not China.

Sure, it is commonly believe the virus came from China. There are lots of reports that say otherwise, but I am willing to go with the China narrative if you are.

How exactly then is China to blame for our own leaders decisions? COVID-19 does not turn people into zombies. If you get COVID-19, you have a 99.9% chance of surviving.

So the real story here is why is Trump and the other states still keeping our country locked down?

Ask those questions.

I do not care if you bleed red or blue. Ask those questions. This is not about politics, this is about your freedom and way of life. The lie is so big few can see through it, but you have to, if you don’t, things will only continue to get worse.

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