Why American Life Went On As Normal During The Killer Pandemic Of 1969

That is a headline over at the New York Post. They explain Woodstock took place that year, and when you read about the health conditions there it would make today’s powder puffs cringe!

They explain the global pandemic that year took the lives of 1 million people, and guess what?

Schools were not shut down nationwide, other than a few dozen because of too many sick teachers. Face masks weren’t required or even common.

How about that, you mean global pandemics have happened before?

Of course people, and our parents lived to tell the tale, and create you no less! That is the problem, over the years people have become so conditioned to our cushy way of life. We have become a bunch of powder puffs, snowflakes, and marshmallows. Whatever phrase does it for you.

Folks, the problem today is we feel we always have to be in agreement with everyone all of the time. We have to be in agreement with society otherwise we feel like we are outsiders.

I have news for you.

Jesus Christ was an outsider, so was John the Baptist and every other Biblical figure. Have we all forgotten the stories from the past? Biblical figures were always kicking against the party line, the ruling government or the established religion of the time.


That is what it takes to stand for God. Jesus told us over and over, we are not of the world, (John 17:16). So that means the world will always be against you.

Big deal, so what, and who cares! I have the Lord, who needs the world?

I have more news for you, as this world continues its downward spiral, the world will become more aggressive in its hate toward you.

That is, if you stand for God.

If you love the world, it will love you, but that places God in the distant #2 spot. Standing against the world and its beliefs is not easy to do, but it can be done. Just read about Jesus, Moses, Daniel and so on. It just takes a little effort, most importantly, you have to move God into the #1 spot in your life.

As the world hated Jesus and all the great Biblical prophets of old, so will it hate you. I hope you realize that, understand that, and embrace that, (Matthew 5:11-12). Do not sell yourself short for a temporary reward, God’s Rewards are far better, and they last forever.

As we have been told,

The thing that hath been, it is that which shall be; and that which is done is that which shall be done: and there is no new thing under the sun.

Ecclesiastes 1:9

As the prophets were beat down for their beliefs, so are we. Big deal, we were told it was going to happen, there is no surprise there.

Stand for God, stand for truth, stand for what is right, and be blessed forever.

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