World’s Central Banks Launch Campaign Against Cryptocurrencies, While Promoting Their Own

You’re going to love this one! The central bank of all central banks, that would be the Bank for International Settlements (BIS) is saying cryptocurrencies work against the public good… While they peddle their own!

Innovations such as cryptocurrencies, stablecoins and the walled garden ecosystems of big techs all tend to work against the public good element that underpins the payment system,” declared the BIS report in its conclusions.


So let me get this straight, cryptocurrencies which governments and central banks have no control over “work against the public”?


The Bank for International Settlements has given its full backing to the development of central bank digital currencies (CBDCs), saying they are needed to modernise finance and ensure ‘Big Tech’ does not take control of money.


Do you see this people?

They tell you crypto is bad, while pressing on with plans to launch their own digital currencies.

Planned or not, cryptos have unleashed the concept of borderless finance in the form of “coins” like BitCoin which has gone mainstream. Everyone knows about it. That has ticked off the central banks, or, they have used this popularity to kick start their own, of course, to “ensure ‘Big Tech’ does not take control of money.”

As opposed to big government taking control of money, (also see: Israel has already tested a digital shekel cryptocurrency).

Big government and central banks who have wrecked our economies through inflation, bailouts, and record taxation. Yeah, let’s leave it up to those guys, they will fix the problem, they always do.

Who believes that nonsense?

The manipulation and propaganda in the news is utterly amazing to me. Everything is a lie or a ruse to sucker you in another direction. There is no truth out there, only by analyzing the events of the world can we hope to make sense of it.

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