
Devotions are a part of your daily bread, your spiritual nutrients for the day. These short studies will provide life lessons that will help you, and your family, apply God’s Word to your daily life.

How Do You Express Your Love to God?

Let All That You Do Be Done In Love

At times, we lose sight of this simple and short verse. We become so focused on other aspects of life, we forget about love, or we forget how to apply it to our life, to our family, and friends.

How Do You Express Your Love to God?

Let All That You Do Be Done In Love

At times, we lose sight of this simple and short verse. We become so focused on other aspects of life, we forget about love, or we forget how to apply it to our life, to our family, and friends.

Anchor Your Soul To Our Heavenly Father

The hope we have in our Heavenly Father is the anchor of our soul. We place our faith and hope in our Creator’s existence, and we base our life decisions on this hope.

Devotions: A Light In The Dark Cave

A Light In The Dark Cave

We went on a tour and had the opportunity to explore a cave. We knew it would be a learning experience, but we did not expect it to be a spiritual one, considering we were going deep into the earth surrounded in darkness.

A Wise Man Spares His Words

A truly wise man will not carry on, boast or brag about the things they know. A wise man will choose few words to help educate and uplift someone else.

Seek After Wisdom Like Treasure

Hidden treasure! Oh, the thrill of the hunt. God reminds us to seek after His knowledge just as if we were seeking out a treasure of silver and gold.

The God Of Peace

In a world of distorted virtues, we find real ones from God’s Word. They bring real value and peace to our lives and those around us.

Love One Another

Being a Christian means we love God, but it also means we are to love our Christian brothers and sisters with a “pure heart.”

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