Create In Me A Clean Heart O God

Create in me a clean heart, O God; and renew a right spirit within me.

Psalm 51:10

You know, a lot of people think they have to transform themselves from their sinful state into this perfect person before they can come to God. They believe they must clean up all their sin, on their own no less, before ever talking to God. Nothing could be further from the truth.

God knows we are imperfect, He knows we are prone to mistakes and errors, and He is more than aware of our shortcomings. He created us after all. For those very reasons, He sent His only Begotten Son, our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ to redeem us from our sins. We can never hope to accomplish that on our own, it is impossible.

God does not expect us to escape life’s pitfalls all on our own. Instead, He has told us to lean on Him, to come to Him with our troubles, and He will help us.

The example placed before us in this verse, is to reach out to God in our sinful state. Reach out to God, and ask Him to create a clean heart within us.

Notice, the Bible said “create”, this means to provide us with a new heart, a new frame of mind to separate our frame of thought from the ways of the world, and transform our thought process to the Heavenly.

Colossians 3:1 explains this, and the verse we are discussing is echoed in 2 Corinthians 5:17. That is what makes the Bible so special, each book backs up another. That is how we know it is the Word of God. Take comfort in that.

Now the second part of this verse has us asking God to renew our spirit. That means to “rebuild” and reenergize it.

Sometimes in life, we find ourselves in a rut. Maybe we are not that sinner, but maybe we are a bit dull when it comes to God. Maybe we do not put in enough study time or prayer to God. That is where the rebuilding of our spirit comes in.

Ask God to rebuild you mentally, and spiritually. Ask Him to help you through your situation and make you a stronger person for yourself, your family, and your friends. You see, as Christians, every step we take in life is watched by others. Sometimes people want to see you fail, to try and prove that God is not with you.

Hey, God never promised you an easy walk through this world. In fact, Christ said if you love Him, the world will hate you. Now turn the table, if you walk with the world, but then to God, the world will hate you even more.

Should that bother you?

Not a chance, but you should be ready for that, and understand that.

Now close this page, and repeat Psalms 51:10 while you pray to our Heavenly Father.

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