Do Not Be Envious Of The Wicked

Fret not thyself because of evil men, neither be thou envious at the wicked.

Proverbs 24:19

Sometimes we can become frustrated with life, maybe we’re going through a rough patch or we’ve been rejected. This becomes especially troublesome when we look at the lives of others. Then there comes that question, “Why do the wicked prosper?”

That’s when we need to remind ourselves about this verse.

Never Envy The Wicked

God’s Word is telling us, do not be envious of the wicked. They may get ahead, they may have a lot of worldly possessions, but they cannot take those possessions with them when they die. Their positions of power and wealth cannot buy them any part in God’s Kingdom, (Psalms 49).

In fact, there is not a single verse in the Bible that says the wicked will be rewarded, but there are many that say they will be punished.

Proverbs 24:20
For there shall be no reward to the evil man; the candle of the wicked shall be put out.

The wicked have no reward in Heaven, and their “candle” (Strong’s: H5216), their “lamp” will be put out. When I think of oil lamps, I am reminded of The Parable Of The Ten Virgins. Five did not have enough oil in their lamps, and their lamps went out. Due to that, they did not attend the Wedding of Christ.

I can guarantee you, the wicked may enjoy themselves now in this temporary life of flesh, but if they do not change their ways, they will have no part in God’s Kingdom. Worse yet, they will have no existence at all, (Revelation 21:7-8).

A Parallel Of Abimelech

As I thought about these things this morning, I was reminded of Abimelech in the book of Judges who was one of Gideon’s sons, (Judges 9). Unfortunately, Abimelech was wicked and he murdered 70 of his brothers so he could take the throne of Israel.

I am sure the people of the time asked themselves the same question you were,

“Why do the wicked prosper?”

That’s when we need to recall the rest of the story.

A few years went by, and Abimelech and his men came to the town of Thebez which they captured. Except there was one small problem. The people of the town all fled to a strong tower within the confines of the town.

Judges 9:52
And Abimelech came unto the tower, and fought against it, and went hard unto the door of the tower to burn it with fire.

Abimelech was determined to destroy everyone in the town.

Judges 9:53
And a certain woman cast a piece of a millstone upon Abimelech’s head, and all to brake his skull.

Abimelech’s skull was now severely fractured, and with death knocking on his door, Abimelech did not want to die at the hand of a woman. That would be considered a dishonorable death.

Judges 9:54
Then he called hastily unto the young man his armourbearer, and said unto him, Draw thy sword, and slay me, that men say not of me, A woman slew him. And his young man thrust him through, and he died.

Did Abimelech really prosper in life, did he really get ahead?

He murdered 70 of his own brothers, not to mention countless other men. Abimelech died in shame and utter ruin. While he may have lived as a king on earth, he now resides in torment on the wrong side of the Gulf in Heaven, just like the Rich Man, (Luke 16:19-31).

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