The Fear Of Man Brings A Snare

The fear of man bringeth a snare: but whoso putteth his trust in the LORD shall be safe.

Proverbs 29:25

Do you place your trust in men and what they tell you, or do you place your trust in the LORD being Jehovah our Heavenly Father?

You know, this word “fear” also means, “anxiety, quaking, and trembling”.

There is no comfort to be found in those words.

The Fear Of Man

Yet, it’s so easy to listen to, and trust in men. Some wear suits, some have fancy titles next to their name, and they all talk as if they know what they are talking about.

Yet, it’s all blather, and they will blab on as long as you allow them to. Far too often we allow foolish men into our lives to instill fear into us, whether it’s at work or in the streets. Then we go home, and we invite more fear into our life through the television and our devices.

Brings A Snare

Some men, especially evil men love fear, they love how they can control people by it. They love how it will bring a snare over a household, community or nation. Then men of small minds repeat the fear and lies, they repeat it over and over as if the lie has suddenly become truth.

We have all experienced this before.

It can be something big or small, and the results in your mind are the same.

You know what is next. Uncertainty begins to creep into your mind due to the fear men have fostered within it. Then comes that ugly ol snare that traps not only you, but your entire family.

The Voice Of Reason

Yet, there is a soft voice of reason which does not utter fear, but comfort.

You will not find this soft voice at every street corner. Instead, you have to listen very closely to catch the sound of this voice, as the fear of men will block it out.

The soft voice I am speaking of comes from our Heavenly Father.

He is always there for you and your family, but you have to block out the voice of men which setup fear, and ultimately a snare, which means a trap. You have to turn them off in order to hear God.

That is how we begin to put our trust in the LORD.

This word “trust” also means, “confidence, boldness, security, and hope”.

There is tremendous comfort to be found in those words.

Do you see the difference?

Do you see how trusting in men brings “fear, anxiety, quaking and trembling,” while trusting in God brings, “confidence, boldness, security, and hope”?

There is a big difference between these words, but the only way to hear that soft voice of reason is to stop listening to what the world tells you, and start listening to God. Remember, Jesus told us we are in this world, but we are not a part of it, (John 15:19).

So let God be your voice of reason, not men who seek to destroy you.

Let God be your voice of reason which brings blessings, confidence, and security in the face of adversity.

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