How We Answer Life’s Most Pressing Questions

Matthew 7:7
Ask, and it shall be given you; seek, and ye shall find; knock, and it shall be opened unto you.

Life brings us many questions, but we typically find few answers. Some questions we just cannot seem to answer, times of turmoil seem to bring this out the most. Yet, Matthew 7:7 offers the best advice we could ever hope to obtain.

When we find ourselves in those moments of uncertainty, those are the moments we must reach out to God more than ever to find the answers we are looking for. He is the one we Ask, He is the one we Seek after. As you can see, it takes effort on our part. We have to do the asking, and the seeking.

Then at times, we are led near our answer, maybe we even find it, or a part of it. Then more questions come along, or those pressing unanswered ones still swirl in our minds. That is when we have to Knock on God’s Door, sometimes it takes a lot of knocking.

However, when we do, God will open His Door to us…

What happens next?

Matthew 7:8
For every one that asketh receiveth; and he that seeketh findeth; and to him that knocketh it shall be opened.

That is a promise.

We can always take God’s Promises to the bank. When God opens His Door to us, it is a spiritually uplifting moment. A moment when we obtain the answers to the questions we have so long sought after.

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