Life’s Defining Moments

But God hath chosen the foolish things of the world to confound the wise; and God hath chosen the weak things of the world to confound the things which are mighty.

1 Corinthians 1:27

We were listening to some music the other day and a song by Emerson Drive came on, the song is titled, “Moments”. It was not the first time I have heard this song, but it reminded me of 1 Corinthians 1:27 and our family Bible study in the book of Judges.

In the song, a young man is going through a hard point in his life and he makes the decision to end his life by jumping from a bridge. As the young man heads toward the bridge, a homeless man crawls out of a cardboard box and follows him onto the bridge. So the young man pulls out some change from his pocket, as he would not need it anyway.

The homeless man says to him,

“You know, I haven’t always been this way.”

The homeless man then proceeds to tell the young man what a life he had. How he served in the war, had a wife and family. He explains to the young man looking to end his life, how he had his “moments” in life.

While the homeless man did not possess anything except a cardboard box, he was able to save this young man from a fateful leap. He helped the young man through, and added one more “moment” to his life, even at his lowest…

God Uses The Weak

God works in a similar fashion at times.

He used simple fishermen to walk with His Only Son and share His Word. Many people would call that foolish, many would have instead used important people for such a task, but not our Father.


God knows our heart, (Acts 1:24). He knows those with good hearts can be used to accomplish His Will, and He can and does take “the weak things of the world to confound the things which are mighty”. He can take people who the world may think are weak, and use them to do great things.

The Judges

This is where the book of Judges comes in.

It seemed Israel always needed to have a solid leader, or the nation veered off into sin. After Ehud died, “the children of Israel again did evil in the sight of the LORD”. So “the LORD sold them into the hand of Jabin king of Canaan”, (Judges 4:1-2).

Of course, Israel hitting rock bottom once again cried out to God for help, (Judges 4:3). He sent help, but He did not use a mighty man to save and restore Israel. Instead, He used a woman named Deborah.

He used a woman who the world considers weak, but as we learned, our Father not only uses but, “hath chosen the weak things of the world to confound the things which are mighty”.

Never think you are not good enough to help someone out, never think you are not good enough to share our Father’s Word. He will use whomsoever He wills to accomplish His Will.

Always remember that, take action, and add one more “moment” to your life.

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