A Light In The Dark Cave

Thy word is a lamp unto my feet, and a light unto my path.

Psalms 119:105

We recently went on a tour and had the opportunity to explore a cave. We knew it would be a learning experience, but we did not expect it to be a spiritual one, considering we were going deep into the earth surrounded in darkness.

As we moved deeper into the cave, the dim lighting was easy on the eyes and revealed the beauty and wonder of the cave. It also revealed the “cave crickets” that some of the ladies on the tour seemed to enjoy.

About a quarter of the way into the cave, our tour guide stopped us and began to tell us about the “cave crickets.”

He explained, they usually do not make any sounds when the lights are on in the cave, but when the lights go out, if you are quiet, you can sometimes hear the crickets start to chirp.

So he asked the crowd, “Should we turn off the lights and try to hear the crickets?!”

As you might guess, the crowd had mixed feelings about being left in the dark. Of course, I cheered on to have the lights turned off, so the kids could see what darkness really looks like.

We won the vote, and off went the lights.

Let me tell you, you have never experienced darkness until you have gone deep into a cave with no lighting.

A few seconds wore on into the bitter darkness and the babies began to cry…

Shortly after, the children, and even some of the adults became restless, the tension began to fill the dark cave. While the crowd tried to stay quiet for the crickets, they could not deal with being left in utter darkness.

The tour guide tried to hold the moment, but he could feel the tension and discomfort of the visitors grow from being left in the dark. It was now not only affecting the babies who were crying, but many of the adults started to mumble and shuffle around.

The tour guide told us he was going to turn the lights back on, but not as I expected.

With the flick of a lighter, a single flame was able to lightly illuminate the cave and immediately the crowd, including those crying babies fell silent. Everyone’s head and attention drew right to the flame, you could feel the tension of the room instantly fade away.

It was an amazing moment.

I leaned over to my wife and said, “That is just like God’s Light.” Little did I know, she was thinking the same thing.

1 John 1:5 tells us,

“This then is the message which we have heard of him, and declare unto you, that God is light, and in him is no darkness at all.”


If a little light is able to illuminate a dark cave and sooth a crowd. Think what God’s Light can do for us… He will never leave us alone in the dark when we live by His Word, He will always be there to Light our path.

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