The Lord Camps With Those Who Love Him

The angel of the LORD encampeth round about them that fear Him And delivereth them.

Psalms 34:7

I want you to think about camping for a moment.

Why do we go to begin with?

We go camping to get away from it all, we do it to get closer to nature and enjoy the peace and quiet. We do it to deliver ourselves from the daily grind.

Now bring this verse into the thought which is a promise from God.

The angel of the Lord, our Heavenly Father’s Spirit camps with those who “fear” Him. If you love and respect our Father, then His Guidance and Protection is with you each and everyday.

His Spirit brings peace and quite to our soul and life. His Spirit calms our mind and helps us make sense of this mixed up world.

Psalms 34:9
O fear the Lord, ye His saints: For there is no want to them that fear Him.

This verse does not mean we are going to be rich. It means we will have everything we need in life. It means God will provide a roof over our head, and ensure there is food on our table.

God will always make a way for you and your household, if you love and respect Him.

Always remember, if you want to claim a promise like this, you have to do your part. You have to love God, you have to tell Him you love Him, and then you have to show it by reading His Book and applying His Words to your life.

Then the blessings will flow.

Then comes the peace and quite we all so desperately need.

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