The Love Of Many Shall Wax Cold

And because iniquity shall abound, the love of many shall wax cold.

Matthew 24:12

Jesus explained, as we move further into the Last Days, closer to the Tribulation, “iniquity” which is “wickedness” will increase. Due to that, the love and respect people have for each other would grow cold and turn to ice.

Today, we can see that more than ever before. Anytime we turn on the news, we hear how wickedness is gaining traction in the world.

Of course, it’s not always sold that way, you must have a moral base to identify the iniquity these days. It is typically wrapped in words like “equality” and “inclusiveness” to make it sound like a good thing. In the end, those agendas are all leading to the demise of the Christian faith.

We also see wickedness increasing as governments continue to remove more rights from the people. Wickedness also materializes itself in the form of greed. We continually read how a select few have so much more than the rest. Poverty rates have skyrocketed, and with poverty comes crime which has also dramatically increased.

What is happening to our world?

Iniquity Abounds

Iniquity is abounding.

Our hearts are growing colder as Jesus said would happen. This is occurring as Jesus Christ is being pushed out of the room. When Christ is not present, darkness increases, little by little, day by day, (Ephesians 6:12-13).

You may think being a Christian makes you immune to this wickedness. You may think it will prevent your warm loving and kind heart from becoming cold and nonexistent.

However, if you allow more of the world into your mind than Jesus, you better think again. We live in an era where pastors close down churches over a little scare. We live in a world where people feed on negative news.

Friends, as more evil and wickedness is unleashed on our world, the more common it becomes. The more normal and acceptable it is.

I feel some Christians are allowing these dark times to affect them negatively, possibly without even realizing it. They have allowed too much of the world into their mind, which is in fact, turning their hearts cold.

This affects their relationship with their family, friends, and acquaintances. This was also another sign Jesus told us to observe, (Matthew 24:10).

Times Are Frustrating For All

While the days we now live in are frustrating for us, we must remember, they are frustrating for everyone else as well, (1 Corinthians 10:13).

Christians cannot allow these dark times to negatively affect them and turn their hearts and minds cold and bitter. When we become upset with someone, we must not let a vile response lead our thoughts and words. Instead, we should remember the words of James 1:19.

We have to remember, no matter what happens in the world. We are a Christian people who are supposed to follow Christ. He is our example, and we follow that example for others to see. If we begin to bicker with one another or attack each other, what kind of example is that setting for everyone else?

  • Will it help convert a non-believer?
  • Will it help young Christians mature, or will it set a low standard for their moral compass?
  • Will it help you in your own spiritual walk?

You already know the answer to those questions.

Do Not Be Left In The Dark

Jesus Christ never promised you this walkthrough life would be easy. In fact, He said if you walk with Him, the world will hate you for it, (John 15:18-21, Luke 6:22-23).

As the days move on, some will begin to fall off Christ’s Wagon. They will allow this dark and evil world to creep into their minds. They will allow more of the world in, and less of Jesus. This extinguishes the Light of Christ, and leaves them wandering in the dark, (see: Follow The Light Of Jesus).

Friends, ensure you are not one of them.

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