The Sea And The Waves Roaring

And there shall be signs in the sun, and in the moon, and in the stars; and upon the earth distress of nations, with perplexity; the sea and the waves roaring; Men’s hearts failing them for fear, and for looking after those things which are coming on the earth: for the powers of heaven shall be shaken.

Luke 21:25-26

Jesus spoke these words to His Disciples concerning the events that would befall mankind before His Return. While we are not there yet, we can certainly take examples from His Words as they are always relevant.

Distress Of Nations

When we look at our world today, the “distress of nations” is absolutely immense. “Distress” even means, “anxiety and anguish” to paint a more vivid picture in your mind.

The nations, being the people of the nations are suffering anxiety and anguish over the perceived crises our world faces. It seems each day a new crisis is created or there is an escalation to an existing crisis.

This places us in a continual state of fear and distress as each crisis begins to consume us.

My friends, always remember…

God does not breed fear and distress, (Romans 15:33, Philippians 4:7).

Man breeds fear and distress, and they typically do it for some type of gain.

With Perplexity

Jesus said the distress and anxiety of the people included “perplexity”. This word means, “a state of perplexity or uncertainty over what to do in a difficult situation”.

These days, people not only suffer the anxiety of dealing with each crisis, but they are not certain what to do, or how to respond to the difficult situations we continually find ourselves in. Some people are being backed into a corner over religion, politics, health, and other social issues of our time.

In the past, our beliefs were our own.

Today, our beliefs determine if we have a job or not.

The Sea And The Waves Roaring

When we think about Christ’s words here, we should understand they are symbolic in nature. This helps us understand “the sea and the waves roaring” are no doubt symbolic of people on earth.

I say that, as Revelation 17:15 tells us,

The waters which thou sawest, where the whore sitteth, are peoples, and multitudes, and nations, and tongues.

So “the sea and waves roaring” are symbolic of people who suffer anxiety. Symbolic for the people who have uncertainty concerning the difficult situations they now find themselves in.

Many people are no longer calm as a smooth sea, but they are beginning to make waves, they are beginning to roar as a storm upon the sea.

As I look at our world today, I see one that is divided across every spectrum imaginable, (Matthew 12:25). Religion, politics, health, education, race, you name it, and you will find startling division. Not just division, but division that is completely altering the structure of our world, altering its very fabric.

Division manufactured by our media and governments.

Men’s Hearts Failing Them For Fear

The crises that continue to affect our world have created unimaginable anxiety and perplexity in the minds of many. This is causing their hearts to fail as fear and pressure are continually pressed upon them.

The word “failing” in this verse even means to “faint”. When people become overwhelmed with crisis after crisis, it becomes too much to handle. Anxiety sets in, and people begin to break, people then cave into the ways of the world, as it offers, the easy way out.

Yet, for those who stand with God, He promised He will always make a way for you to escape a difficult situation. You may need to endure, you may go through trials and tribulations, but God will always provide a way out of them, (1 Corinthians 10:13).

God will never allow you to endure more than you are able to bear.

As the days march on, we must remember these things.

We must always stand for what is right, true, and honest.

We must always hold onto our Christian values and integrity. 

We must always retain the free will that God gave us.

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