Does The News Matter?

Does the news matter, and does it really benefit you?

Think about how many hours a day, week, month, and year you spend watching the news or scouring the internet and social channels for it.

Would you believe, on average, it adds up to 7 hours a week?!!!

For 7 hours a week, the average American is either watching the news or reading about it on some social network. Yes, people get their news from Facebook, Twitter, TikTok (really?), etc. When we run the math, that means the average American spends 15 entire days every year in the news.

Every year, 15 days of your life are taken by watching or reading the news.

That’s amazing to me. I mean think about it, if the boss just gave you a 15-day vacation, would you spend it on the news or something else?

I hope something else!

Now, this all comes to mind due to the recent shakeups in the media. Liberal and conservative networks have been canning people left and right. CNNs Don Lemon recently got the axe, NBC fired their CEO, and two conservative faces at Fox got whacked as well.

Bongino is one of them. The reason, a failed contract extension…

Folks, let’s be honest. It had to do with the $787 million dollar lawsuit Fox just lost. That’s the same reason why Tucker Carlson just got whacked as well. Now, publically they’re saying it had to do with some woman or the way Carlson treated people, I call BS.

That entire narrative comes on the heels of Fox losing the Dominion lawsuit. The fact of the matter is, the news business is just that, a business that exists to make money. Fox had no problem with Carlson when he said the election was rigged, he was making the network millions. Fox didn’t care until that same sentiment cost Fox millions. Then it mattered.

So what does Fox really believe about their election coverage?

They only believe what brings in the dollars, that should be clear.

So at this point, Carlson simply became a liability for Fox. Believe what you want about that whole saga, I’m just explaining to you, the news is a for profit business driven by ratings. Driven by your eyeballs being glued to the screen.

The fact of the matter is, the news is just about worthless.

In fact, Mr. Carlson just admitted as much saying,

“One of the first things you realized once you step outside of the noise for a few days” is how “unbelievably stupid most of the debates you see on television are. They’re “completely irrelevant they mean nothing. In five years we won’t even remember that we had them. Trust me as someone who has participated.”

No disrespect to Tucker, but I highly doubt he just had this epiphany. I am quite sure he, along with his colleagues, have known this for a very long time. Again, it’s all about ratings as ratings bring in the money. You are not a viewer to them, you are a dollar bill they are trying to collect.

The same goes for those who obtain their news through social media, and so on. It’s driven by ratings, clicky titles, worldly “influencers,” and talk of imminent doom that never occurs (minus COVID).

Now, let’s back up here and think about the quote we read for a minute…

The biggest name in conservative media just admitted the news is “unbelievably stupid.”

So why are you spending 15 days of the year watching and reading it?

When we get right down to it. The news does not matter. It typically doesn’t personally affect you, and what you see on the news will not matter in 5 years, perhaps not even in 1 year, 6 months, or 5 minutes from now.

Instead, the news is a money maker, it’s a tool of division…

Hey, you like Fox News, the inlaws like CNN, and you fight and bicker about the senseless news, the “unbelievably stupid” news, and the debates that occur on those networks.

So you destroy family relationships over the “unbelievably stupid” media.

How much sense does that make?

Not much.

For your edification, the media is owned by billionaires. They are not preparing the news for charity or your education, but to make a buck. Not only from their news empire, but the other businesses they own. So they tell you who to vote for and what to buy.

Do you know why?

It has to do with their bottom line in many cases, if not most.

By voting left or right, it means more cash in their pockets. Simply stated, the news does not make us wiser. Most of us have no real clue about our political process. We only think we do. Instead, we just know to hate Biden, Trump, or the latest figure of the hour.

We’re told if we vote, that will fix all of our problems. Society believes if they just vote, that will make a difference and correct all wrongs. What a fantastic lie perpetrated on the masses.

Think about it…

If the only action we take is voting once every 2 to 4 years, how will that change anything?

Have you ever seen a real change in your life by taking action just once every 2 to 4 years?

  • Can you imagine dieting just once every 2 to 4 years?
  • Can you imagine working out just once every 2 to 4 years?
  • Can you imagine disciplining your children just once every 2 to 4 years?
  • Can you imagine reading the Bible just once every 2 to 4 years?

How much success would you have in those endeavors?


So the whole, “all we need to do is just vote” is a ruse, my friends.

If you want real change, please vote when there is a viable candidate, but you also need to become involved in your local communities. You need to get involved at church, at school, in local government, and so on. Yet, many will bicker and gripe because someone didn’t vote.

Talk about being brainwashed by the news.

My friends,

  • The news does not seek to build up, but tear down.
  • The news does not seek to educate, but dumb down.
  • The news does not seek unification, but division.

So, to a very large degree, the news does not matter.

What matters is educating yourself on civic affairs. What matters is you educating your family on God’s Word, and how to be a good man or woman. What matters is you learn and teach your family how to handle finances.

Let’s face it, most people don’t know how to handle money. That’s why most people are broke. The news and society certainly are not helping in this aspect. They tell you how to spend your money, and they even teach you how to go into debt, but they never teach you how to obtain and hold onto your wealth.

Why do you think that is?

If they did, then that money could not transfer into their pockets.

Such a rationale doesn’t pay.

It doesn’t benefit the corporate world, including the news. So instead of providing you real valuable information, they divide, derail, and deter during their news segments. Then, during their on-air breaks, you are watching advertisements that tell you what products to purchase.

When we get right down to it, the news is a hindrance to life. It not only steals our precious and limited time on earth, it takes our money, and makes us bitter toward the world and our neighbors.

Unfortunately, I fear for most people, the news is nothing more than entertainment. Entertainment that mistakenly becomes attached to our reality, which then shapes our worldview.

A view we then push off on the world so we don’t have to take real action in life. All based on “unbelievably stupid” media narratives that we managed to get sucked into.

Proverbs 2:3-5
3 Yea, if thou criest after knowledge, and liftest up thy voice for understanding;

4 If thou seekest her as silver, and searchest for her as for hid treasures;

5 Then shalt thou understand the fear of the LORD, and find the knowledge of God.

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