Topic: COVID-19


China’s Open For Travel After Ditching Zero-COVID

It’s finally coming to an end! China’s zero-COVID policy that shut down entire cities over a single case of the virus. “Vice Premier Sun Chunlan, who oversees COVID efforts, signaled the change Wednesday — as


Let’s Declare A Pandemic Amnesty

That’s the title of a piece over at The Atlantic. I about spit out my coffee when I read that one! You won’t believe it, but the Covidians actually want “pandemic amnesty.” They want you


The Unvaccinated Were Right

During the initial stages of the COVID-19 pandemic, everyone was uncertain about the future. However, some of us could see the government was overreaching, and removing freedoms in the name of safety. This started with


Prophecy: Children Have Become Our Leaders

With each passing day, our world becomes a little more distorted, a little more upside down. This was pressed front and center into my mind the other day. It also made me think about the


The People Have Power, The Winds Of Change Prove It

So we ants finally figured out, we outnumber the grasshoppers. We finally figured out, we have the power. How about that? I’m not talking about the global COVID protests that have been raging for more


They Stopped Counting, So COVID Went Away

“Ohh, ohh, ohh it’s magic!” Governments the world over, including the mainstream media, have decided, the pandemic has come to a conclusion. Since at least August, we have noticed a trend where governments have started


The COVID-19 Narrative Continues To Fall Apart

After nearly two years of scare from an “invisible enemy”, the narrative behind the COVID-19 pandemic continues to fall apart around the world. As it turns out, the final nail in the coffin is COVID


Good News Friday! Biden Goes Down In Flames

Happy Friday! The world is still a rotten place, but we have some reasons to celebrate. Let’s talk about it! Supreme Court Halts COVID-19 OSHA Mandate Yesterday, the Supreme Court blocked Biden’s OSHA vaccine mandate